The Grove Of Anaheim

Jul 24, 2005 07:19

OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DANG! Wow.... O Wow... I just found out where I was performing at in my concert. OMG! It's a pretty HUMUNGOUS place... it's called "The Grove of Anaheim" and it seats 25,000 people and they are filling THE WHOLE place. This is huge and EVERY record company known to man will be sitting smack-dab in the front watching every single performer. I found out that 3,000 people tried out for it... 7 made it. I really can't get nervous or i'm done for. I have to learn this new original song by August 16th.. and I haven't even gotten it yet. If anyone is in town
( Anaheim, Cali ) and wants to come see me perform on September 4th.. I need 35 ppl and I need to sell those tix for $20 each, so getta hold of me.I record in WB Studios a week from today.. as my producer invested $98,000 per song I'm singing and got written for me. And guess who the writers are... Keith Sterling and Diana Extein.. they wrote for Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Gladys Knight, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson... No need to be nervous. Oh dear...
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