May 11, 2005 02:10
I had the best day ever b/c I got to stare into the big blue eyes that are so familiar to me... yet they seemed so far before. I never realized how truly, honestly helpless I am without Petey. Just everything around me seems more hopeful and brighter when I'm around him and we just have SO many feelings toward each other.. and I can just feel it all around me. I love him so much... with all of my heart and more. I couldn't live without him in my life, just everything seems so simple and all the answers to my problems are just so obvious. I wish I felt this way all the time and I wish I could trust ppl again... like how innocently everyone does when they're younger. I guess I trust ppl too fast and I wish I could trust again like I used to... but the only person who has never once hurt me is Petey. Through everything... I mean EVERYTHING... he still has been here for me.. stronger then ever and ready to deal with w/e is thrown at him. It's so great to have someone like him in my life... It's just the saying good-bye part that's gonna eat away at me... only like a week left, and then I'm going to fall apart. I think about it all the time now, and I can't help but dread the day i'm gonna have to look into his eyes for the last time in a while. I'm being so ripped apart right now by everything, and having to keep adjusting to things and leaving them is killing me. I don't mean to complain so much... I know I have an awesome life, I just wish I could fix everything right now.... but i can't. I'm going back to L.A without my mom and Petey and I'm gonna live with someone who was my best friend and no longer even wants to look at me. I dunno how i'm gonna deal, but I always have and always will I guess. Well I'm out! I can't wait to see everyone soon! LOVE YA ::*MUAHHHHHHHH*::
I close my eyes and I see your face. If home's where my heart is then I'm out of place. Lord, won't you give me strength to make it through somehow... I've never been more homesick then now.