Sep 10, 2006 19:27
he's still being strange. today i logged on and he immediately logged off. GOD... you'd think for someone so smart, he'd know how to be a good friend. i've tried so hard. i have no idea what to do. i'm thinking of a three-way call attack to see if he'll talk to me with another person on the line...if nothing changes by Friday, we're executing this plan. i'm supposed to hang out with a bunch of people Friday, which means a whole night of either really fun stuff like EVERY SINGLE DAY IN THE SUMMER, or total oblivion and him ignoring me like every day at school so far.
you'd think I'm in love with him or something. but i'm honestly not. it was just so much fun this summer, being such good friends. and all of the sudden it's like a total 180.
aer;thkazgnslkjgn;dfkjsbnlk;ngljkb nvd/,zvm .Sdf,gs;alkfsgdf;gsaja'nsbkgadjgs;hgnebh;a;kdsnvfgbjnrsdblgwui4hy3qoiuyp5iy54hwpiugdblaiguhph.........THAT is what i feel like doing everytime i think about this situation. because there is really no word to describe how i feel about this whole thing. it's DUMB, SAD, UPSETTING, RETARDED, ASININE, and a whole bunch of other things that still can't really express it.