One week old today!

Mar 23, 2013 09:47

Baby Name and Age: Bran Alexander, 7 days today

Weight/length/clothing size being worn: He was 4.124kg when he was born and 54cm long. He's wearing 000 size that fits lengthways but is still a little loose every other way.

Food! Formula? Breastmilk? Combo? Fill us in: Combo feeding at the moment. Breastfeeding hurts but we do as much as we can and then pump and supplement with formula.

Sleep habits: He sleeps really well during the day and sometimes ok at night, we both sleep better when his daddy's here but unfortunately he's not been here that much.

What is your baby's day like (routine?): We don't really have a set routine. We feed when hungry and sleep when we can, trying to get everything else done in between.

What is driving you crazy, if anything: Breastfeeding and his daddy. Breastfeeding is getting better but still painful and frustrating. His father and I don't live together and he comes over and gets the best behaved baby in the world, even if he stays overnight. Then he tells me how easy this whole thing is and I want to strangle him.

Baby milestones: Breast attachment is getting better and his cord fell off last night.

How are you doing in general: Very up and down. Most of the day I'm ok but then at about 5pm every night I just want to lay in bed and cry.

How's the love life/relationship going: None to speak of really. Brans father and I aren't together, we're casual friends at best though we parent really well together and he's been really supportive. I was worried he wouldn't connect since he missed most of the pregnancy but he was amazing while I was labouring and has fallen completely in love with his son.

Are your health and weight loss concerns going well?: I ended up having an emergency c section and I'm finding the recovery really hard. In the hospital it was fine but since I've been home I know I've been doing way too much but it needs to be done.


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