Feb 05, 2007 03:02
Forsaken by the daylight and all the plagues that it brings, we only travel at night, slipping through the grottos of tall decaying elms and evergreens, of what little there is left for us to enhabit. Our lakes have gone black; the magnificent plateau at which we had once stood apart, silently vowing to ourselves to never allow such a grief as love to exist again, (once lush) is now parched. Charred remains and ashy residues from thousands of years ago blacken our bare feet. We cover our faces and exposed flesh with ash before leaving and slink back into the shadows.
We will hide the natural glow which once was so bright. The packs of black wild dogs who've taken to following us scavenge our kills, which would have otherwise gone to waste - we slit the throats and carry the blood in small vials on our belt, with other various herbs and amenities.
The sky is shrouded by venomous gray mists, the black mountain spews forth its rageful current, there is not peace. There will never be again. The temple where we used to the spend our days smiling has now crumbled, as we were once immortal and stone is not. We would never dare to venture back into the shambles, for now such a crime is often rewarded with death, death by our own hands. Those who oppose us have been ostracized, tied to the Oaks and left for the creatures which we've never seen.
The animals of the night have not been taken. They understand with an ancient wisdom what has happened and await the moment when the last one of us is dead..... finally. Were it not for the night, we would not be alive. There are no sentries, no guard towers or towns which are rightly enhabited, ghost towns merely a document of the once glorious civilization of the enlightened ones. The once enlightened ones of our world who realised there was nothing left here for them, have taken the magic of the world with them. Those who've fallen from the day have become rightly the Archangels of the black, hot days, breathing down upon us the wrath of the sun. This High Lord is not malicious, to the contrary he rather lacks control over his shadowy minions and swiftrunners who spy upon us incessantly, stabbing us in the sides and leaving us to bleed and die on the sacred lands we had once loved. There was once so many of us, but now, there is only you.
Please cry not when I'm not in your dreams, for finally, the eternal night has come for me.