Oct 25, 2005 14:50
Gosh this is an interesting week so far and it's only Tuesday. The head reference librarian Paula is in the hospital b/c of tests that came back, supposedly it has something to do with her heart. I hear she is in ICU, not good.
I called the genealogy/assistant reference librarian Ruth to come in although she wasn't supposed to, but she said she could. After I talked to her she broke her ankle, didn't call me about it and came in anyway today. I had to teach computer classes today, found out after I was done at 2pm that she had left at 1pm so no one was really on the desk. So now I'm here after my computer classes on the desk by myself b/c two of our reference staff are down.
For tomorrow I don’t know if Ruth will be able to come in. The part-time assistant reference librarian Beth can only work at certain times b/c of her kids, Denice who fills in once every month on a Monday who doesn’t have much time to fill and either, and then Judy who is a retired reference librarian and last resort, but I might have to have her fill in. I got to teach computer classes some days in the next couple of weeks so I got to find someone to fill in or there will be no one. It’s just a mess right now.
Update: Good news: Paula is home now, they put a stint in her heart. Bad news: Paula won't be in for the next 3 weeks. Ruth: She went to the doctor, her ankle is broke so she might have to get surgery so I don't know when she will be back. I got to try to make a schedule around my computer classes if possible or I might tell Denice to take them until I have at least Ruth back in reference.