If you have any reason to timewarp back to 2007 (I could rattle off a few reasons myself, but we won't go there.) and there is a special place in your heart for Rilo Kiley (which there should be), you should listen to this concert:
http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/album/Npr+Rilo+Kiley+In+Concer+/788384?src=5I am beaming while listening to this. It's my dream Rilo Kiley setlist. Just sayin'.
Things are looking up. I have a few leads on jobs but the communication is slow and I just need to be patient. Temple University just sent an email promoting their for-credit study abroad program excavating Roman ruins. EXCAVATING RUINS FOR COLLEGE CREDIT. Jesus, I wish I was still a student; I'd go in a heartbeat.
In the meantime, I'm growing out my nails, slowly losing a few pounds, and hell, I'm afraid to admit it, but I'm growing up.