"i cant believe we havent......"

Dec 20, 2004 08:46

last night was truely magical... theres no other way to say it

the whole weekend was, really

the christmas party on saturday nigth was really really fun.. sarah and i had such a great time and it was fun hangin out with ry.. i love my wallet!!! its hot pink!!! woo! and my blanket and photo album from ryan! :):):) presants are awesome
becca got me this HOT pink tanktop with all these beads.. and a purse.. and a hot pink sparkly belt.. and a jessica simpson calander!! shes so hot! :) and two pairs or the hottest underwear ever. ;)

..just looking out and seeing my best friends all sitting together in one row.. the snow falling outside.. the christmas trees.. the lights.. the colors.. the presants.. the hugs.. the cookies and punch

they were all there. sarah, jordan, becca, sara, ryan.. and even tim showed up at the last minute :)

hugs one by one.. and then we went home

its really been an emotional christmas season this year.. i cant believe theres only five days left until christmas! its sad that the wrapped presants in my room are almost gone!! they looked so cute around my tree.. hehe. but everyones loved their gifts so far. :)



TEN random things about me--
10. 980 on my sats
9. im obsessed with my creame brulee lip gloss from bath and body works
8. im graduating early
7. i type rrreally frickin fast
6. i huck luggies constantly.. its disgusting. :\
5. i love christmas
4. i love when its snowing, but hate when its on the ground
3. im tired of boys
2. i love steak and sweet potatoes and salads of any kind
1. i hate school

NINE places I've visited--
1. i dont feel like thinking

EIGHT things I want to do before I die--
8. learn to sing
7. write tons of music
6. get married and have tons of babies..
5. go to college? (im being mega unoriginal here..)
4. have a saltwater tank
3. not set myself up for dissappointment
2. stay in touch with all my closest childhood friends
1. eat healthy

SEVEN ways to win my heart-- (wtf?)
7. love me for me
6. be hot :)
5. be yourSELF
4. have cool friends.. who like me.. and who i like
2. think im funny
1. suprise me. *

SIX things I believe in--
6. jesus
5. myeslf
4. heaven and hell
3. that abortion is murder adn that theres no way around that

FIVE things I'm afraid of--
5. snakes
4. tornadoes
3. guns
2. death
1. somebody really close to me dying or not being a part of me somehow anymore

FOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom--
4. my big comfy brown chair
3. all my blankets and pillows
2. all my photos
1. my journal

THREE things I do everyday--
3. get dressed
2. go to school
1. call bec

TWO things I am trying not to do right now--
2. neglecting my schoolwork... pff..
1. get my hopes up about getting a cell for xmas. because waht if i dont. :(

ONE person I want to see right now--
1. beccasarahsararyan


Last Cigarette: couple weekends ago at becs

Last Alcoholic Drink: last night.. i snuck and had some leftover holiday wine crap from my parents xmas party. blehhhh. it was gross tasting, pff.

Last Car Ride: ride home last night in the freaking ice

Last Kiss: ill have to think about that one =)

Last Good Cry: friday night.. majorly

Last Library Book: um.. looking for home.. actually, i stole it from the skool media center. arent i a badass.

Last book bought: this book on pilates for $5 at walden books. im doing it every few days and im excited. :)

Last Book Read: better than running at night

Last Movie Seen in Theatres: the incredibles

Last Movie Rented: life is beautiful.. hated it. it was so sad...

Last Cuss Word Uttered: "..ugh..."

Last Beverage Drank: hot chocolate

Last Food Consumed: one of miss val's delicious cookies that i brought with me to school today ;)

Last Crush: jude law

Last Phone Call: becca lsat night at like one in the morning

Last TV Show Watched: jingle ball rock, haha..

Last Time Showered: last night :)

Last Shoes Worn: my tan suede boot things

Last CD Played: snoop dogg, masterpiece

Last Item Bought: vin disel poster for becca.. which she already had :(:(:( hehe

Last Download: xmas screen saver on comp. at work ;)

Last Annoyance: the ice cold wind on my face this morning

Last Disappointment: hm... that we didnt have a delay this morning for skool

Last Soda Drank: gingerale sat. night

Last Thing Written: outline for survey.. which im sposed to be doing right now...

Last Key Used: "."

Last Words Spoken: "hey melissa! yea im just fillin out this thing on livejournal instead of doing my survey paper..hehe..whatta you doin?"

Last Sleep: on the bus this morning when trevor woke me up by pinching my leg.. haha

Last Ice Cream Eaten: OMFG! the best ice cream ever: peppermint swirl!!!

Last Chair Sat In: media center chair.. uncomfortable as fuckkkk

Last Webpage Visited: aolmail, livejournal
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