Oct 16, 2007 19:35
These past few days I’ve found myself missing your respective husband and father a great deal. Perhaps with the renewal of the Thirteen season and now with the second anniversary of his death, God is blessing me with rich memories. I really miss him and wish he were still among us in the flesh. His presence continues for me in a solid way though and I do give thanks for that. As this anniversary time is observed, you both are in my prayers.
Needless to say I was very emotional after that. I just love the minister of my mother's church, he is what every clergy person should be. And he was very close to my father. In fact, he couldn't make it through the funeral and had the assisting clergy take over.
I miss Daddy every day, but it makes me so happy to know just how much he was loved.
BTW: the Thirteen is a supper club.