I guess 'so long' isn't really all that suitable, as I'm not really going anywhere -- I've already been gone so 'Hey Chumps and Chumpettes' would be more suitable
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Hurricane Katrina has nothing on how horrible the Tsunami was... to put another wierdly happy spin on the situation: I'm really grateful of how the Hurricane coverage has shed light upon how inept Bush's administration is across the board. every analyst has stated that the disaster wasn't handled in nearly efficient terms. and so so many people finally realized how stupid it is that our money and man-power is all in Iraq when we needed it for a situation at home. sorry, little soap box moment there, just couldn't resist. congrats on being in fabulous Vancouver, nice to know Marisa is schooling you in good tv. although the OC has gotten so bad lately... ever since Kirsten went into rehab... incidentally, where I'm moving is about 10 miles away from where they film the OC (in LA county - Rancho Palos Verdes.. they're such liars...) and 15 miles away in the other direction from where that show is based (Newport Beach) so I'm slightly stoked on that. someday I will make it to Vancouver though and see this supposed city of Anime.. didn't you say Auckland reminded you of Vancouver?
congrats on being in fabulous Vancouver, nice to know Marisa is schooling you in good tv. although the OC has gotten so bad lately... ever since Kirsten went into rehab... incidentally, where I'm moving is about 10 miles away from where they film the OC (in LA county - Rancho Palos Verdes.. they're such liars...) and 15 miles away in the other direction from where that show is based (Newport Beach) so I'm slightly stoked on that. someday I will make it to Vancouver though and see this supposed city of Anime.. didn't you say Auckland reminded you of Vancouver?
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