Nov 29, 2009 23:25
Hello Again,
I am a soon to be single parent & am looking for advice on a certain subject. How do you date guys? Most guys i know dont want to have anything to do with me because i have a child, so where can i look to find family oriented men that are willing to accept my daughter as part of the relationship..
all help is greatly advised :x
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The way an adult behaves around their children and the children of others says a lot about their character. And kids are a GREAT barometer of sincerity, if someone puts on a show in public but is a different person at home, you'll see it in their kids.
Kids test our patience, and often show us at our worst. Everyone will show off their best in a courtship, but what I want to know is how does a person react when they are exhausted, out of cash, and worn down to the last nerve, and then a child pops up and says "Um, mom... I think the dog got into the play-dough, there's a really weird-smelling mess on the carpet."
Kids are a great maturing agent, but more than anything, by the time I hit my thirties I noticed a huge difference between 'breeders' and 'non-breeders'. It's not such a big rift when the kids are new, but after years of putting doctor's appointments and Girl Scout Friendship Day ahead of adult social events, it's sort of like mixing Scientologists and Baptists. ;-)
A personal note - Girls with kids tend to have a lot less of the false modesty. This doesn't just make things easier in intimate moments, it also means that a gal will excuse herself to go fart downwind rather than just keep clenched and uncomfortable. Granted, this isn't entirely restricted to childrearing, but being the sort of person who likely has snot or spitup on the inside hem of their t-shirt means that they are practical and realistic. I value this, because whomever I date will have to understand why I always grab 5 extra napkins at Subway and keep them stuffed in my jacket like I'm hoarding nuts for the winter.
Shall I go on? ;-)
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