My daughter is 3 1/2 and still isn't interested in the potty. Any attempt I've made she doesn't show much interest. She's suppose to start pre-school in August but if she's not potty trained she can't go. I've read a bunch of potty training books, used stickers, treats etc to get her to be interested in the potty but nothing works. I was told by
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1. I put my oldest on the potty every night when I was running the water for his bath. The sound of the water running would often create the urge, and he would just go. It made him less aware of being on the potty.
2. I used a version of potty boot camp at home. We put kiddo in a big t-shirt with nothing underneath, then always provided fluids for him. Every 30 minutes, we went & got on the potty to try. Did this for about 4 days running on a long weekend. Then did a "refresher" with the same technique for about 2-3 weekends after that.
3. We put kiddo in regular underwear as much as possible. (Trips out for errands, nighttime, naps, etc., required pull-ups for a while.)
It's not easy, and it takes a lot to not let her see that you're frustrated over it. But persistence really pays off on this one; I discovered VERY quickly that while we were in 30-minute potty days, if I got distracted & let him go over the 30 minutes, we had an accident. If I was on top of it, we didn't.
On a different piece, it's really important to have every person who cares for her on board with the potty-training plan, whatever technique you choose to use. Everyone has to be willing to put out the extra effort, deal with the extra laundry, clean what needs to be cleaned, and do it without making her feel bad for having an accident.
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