Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars (
App Percentage:
90% (27 - 3)
Played From: 2005-06-04 to 2006-06-06
That's How Long? 1 year and 1 month.
Total Comments: 16,572
Overall Percentage: 32.06%
Reason for Dropping: I apped Anakin because I thought it would be funny to play Darth Vader in camp. And I had a great run with him, but I just gradually lost his voice and interest in playing him, so I knew it was time to let him go. Hardest drop ever.
Select Option 3?: I'd been planning Anakin's 2007 Christmas letter for well over a year. I don't know if that makes me really patient or really pathetic. Let's go with patient, because that letter was AWESOME.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood from Trigun/Trigun Maximum (
App Percentage:
86.5% (45 - 7)
Played From: 2005-07-29 to present
That's How Long? 2 years and 6 months
Total Comments: 26,010
Overall Percentage: 50.32%
Reason for Apping: Because counsellors were opening for the first time and I NEEDED TO HAVE ONE DAMN IT. Plus, Wolfwood's cool. I can't fathom dropping him, he is one of my favourite characters ever, if not THE favourite.
Select Option 3?: I'm still proud of the fact that Wolfwood's the only person retarded enough to try and punch Dumbledore and God in the face.
Haruhara Haruko from FLCL (Furi Kuri) (
App Percentage:
76.9% (40 - 12)
Played From: 2005-09-27 to 2005-10-27 (est.)
That's How Long? 1 month.
Total Comments: 452
Overall Percentage: 0.87%
Reason for Dropping: I love Haruko, but she is high maintenance and not really my style. I had fun with her for a brief span but eventually I had to admit I was not cut out for her. I'm still sad camp doesn't have a Haruko. She's perfect for camp.
Select Option 3: Her stupid rivalry with Excel was amazing fun.
Harry Potter from Harry Potter (
App Percentage:
71.9% (46 - 18)
Played From: 2006-01-04 to 2006-02-13
That's How Long? 1 month.
Total Comments: 717
Overall Percentage: 1.39%
Reason for Dropping: Because I shouldn't have apped him to start with, lol. Enabling and being high on playing off Riddle is what made me do it, and I didn't put enough thought into how difficult it would be to play such a popular and, frankly, weakly-defined character. I never really loved Harry to start with. So off he went.
Select Option 3: The 80s singing basilisk was my favourite thing I did with him. That, and the Band Wagon.
Livio the Double Fang #1 from Trigun Maximum (
App Percentage:
75.5% (37 - 12)
Played From: 2006-07-07 to 2007-03-30
That's How Long? 9 months
Total Comments: 1,430
Overall Percentage:
Reason for Dropping: I apped Livio because I knew Aviy was going for Vash at the time and I realised that Livio was quite awesome in his own right. But I also apped him purely so I could play him off Wolfwood; I like playercest but I ended up feeling kind of GUILTY because it felt like I was just playing him for my other characters' sake, which was kind of dumb. I also had trouble with his voice from the start and getting him out, so I eventually let him go after apping Chrno. I'M GLAD I DID. OUR NEW LIVIO IS FANTASTIC. NEVER LEAVE ME.
Select Option 3?: His was the longest app I worked on, over three or four months. And it still sucked. :|d
Mimiru from .hack//SIGN (
App Percentage: First time,
53.8% (28 - 24) , second time,
97.8% (45 - 1)
Played From: 2006-08-04 to 2007-12-18
That's How Long? 1 year and 4 months
Total Comments: 2,633
Overall Percentage: 5.09%
Reason for Dropping: I love .hack something fierce and Mimiru has always been on my list of characters to app. And I had a ball with her for a very long time. But sometime halfway through last year, I just stopped feeling her voice. I hadn't reviewed canon since I APPED her, and while I don't think that really affected her voice (I still think she was IC), it was a sign that maybe things weren't meant to be. I stuck it out as long as I could, even long enough to finally get a Haseo, but alas. I could do no more. So she finally went home.
Select Option 3?: I greatly enjoyed abusing the hospital vending machines with her and having the stupidest long run-on sentences you've ever seen.
Chrno from Chrno Crusade (
App Percentage:
71.9% (14 - 41 - 2) [DUP]
Played From: 2007-01-28 to present
That's How Long? 1 year
Total Comments: 2,957
Overall Percentage: 5.72%
Reason for Apping: I read Chrno Crusade because I was bored and sick to death of Trigun. I read the whole lot in a day and knew I had to have Chrno (even though I didn't really become interested in him until volume 6). It was NOT my first dup app but it was the first time I didn't KNOW I was heading into a dup, so that was mildly scary. In any case, I love the little guy. He's much easier to play now than he was in the beginning, and even though I am not as prolific a spammer as I'd like to be, I feel he has a good foothold in camp. Plus, he's polite. My other characters tend not to be.
Select Option 3?: Horrible as it is, I enjoyed the post where Joshua came to camp. TRAINWRECK TIME.
Rick O'Connell from The Mummy (
App Percentage:
89.8% (53 - 6)
Played From: 2007-07-04 to present
That's How Long? 6 months
Total Comments: 398
Overall Percentage: 0.77%
Reason for Apping: I had the last line of Rick's app figured out two years ago. That is how long I've waited to app Rick O'Connell. The Mummy films are some of my favourite dorky Hollywood adventures and I've always adored Rick and his sense of humour. Apping him was daunting, which is probably why I put it off so long, and also why I don't play him enough. IT IS A CASE OF AIMING TOO HIGH. Playing Rick is challenging for me because I FEAR for messing up the characterisation of someone I love so much. I always enjoy playing him, but it takes a lot of concentration. This is why his comment count is pathetiiiiic. Still... I'm pretending to be Brendan Fraser on the Internet. My life has meaning.
Select Option 3?: I've only done it once ICly, but I still find it hilarious to assume Rick is attacked by every zombie in camp at the same time daily. O MY LYFE.
Motosuwa Hideki from Chobits (
App Percentage:
84.8% (39 - 7)
Played From: 2007-11-05 to present
That's How Long? 3
Total Comments: 524
Overall Percentage: 1.01%
Reason for Apping: I only finished Chobits late last year, actually; I had volumes 1-6 for the longest time without being able to find 7 and 8. I'd randomly started rereading them in September and then, joy of joys! I found the last two volumes. And I like Hideki A LOT because he's a spazzy loser with a heart of gold. I toyed with the idea of apping him for a couple of months before finally getting my act together and doing it. I didn't look at the voting round once because I was convinced it would fail. I enjoy playing Hideki because I can be truly stupid with him, but he's also a really nice guy and can SPEAK FROM THE HEART and be a shoujo retard. Now someone just needs to app me a Chii and everything will be all right.
Select Option 3?: Chobits, apart from CCS, is the only CLAMP series I've finished reading. WHY IS CLAMP EVIL WHEN THEY CAN DO SO MUCH GOOD?
I've played here HOW long? 956 days, or 2 years and 7 months.
Overall Comment Count: 51,693
Average Comments Per Day: 54
Shortest Kept: Harry or Haruko (both 1 month)
Longest Kept: Wolfwood (2 years 6 months)
Most Played: Wolfwood (50.32%)
Least Played: Rick (0.77%)
Highest Percentage: Mimiru #2 (97.8%)
Lowest Percentage: Harry/Chrno (both 71.9%)
Order of App Percentage
1. Mimiru (97.8%)
2. Anakin (90%)
3. Rick (89.8%)
4. Wolfwood (86.5%)
5. Hideki (84.8%)
6. Haruko (76.9%)
7. Livio #1 (75.5%)
8/9. Harry/Chrno (71.9%)
Order of Comment Count
1. Wolfwood (26,010)
2. Anakin (16,572)
3. Chrno (2,957)
4. Mimiru (2,633)
5. Livio #1 (1,430)
6. Haruko (717)
7. Hideki (524)
8. Harry (452)
9. Rick (398)
Character Balancing: PFFT. Have you seen my percentages? Everyone apart from Wolfwood and Anakin is under 10%. Wolfwood is FIFTY PERCENT OF MY PLAY. I did okay balancing Mimiru and Chrno, but otherwise I just... don't balance. I play Wolfwood a lot, and the others not so much. Especially Rick. He's on an average of two comments a day, which is just appalling. In fact, all of my current characters save Wolfwood do single digits per day. I've just tapered off a hell of a lot since my glory days.