Got sent home early, due to flooding at work. And I mean FLOODING! Nearly an inch in some areas. Apparently a water main broke in the building attached to mine. The maintenance tunnels were flooded and water flooded the lower two floors. But that wasn't enough. Water came pouring into my building. We had to unplugged all our equipment and get any computer towers off the floor before the water hit them. At first, we weren't allowed the leave and our patients were stuck there. We managed to get the patients out, but thought we still had to stay. Then a security guard showed up and looked at us as if to say "what the hell are you still doing here?". So we were told to leave.
This is my office and my desk. Thankfully, I got my backpack off the floor before the waters hit. I can only hope we didn't lose too much stuff to water damage.
We put down towels and sheets, but to no avail. It didn't even slow down the water.
I took 5 pics in all, but I figured two would give you an idea. Our lab is closed for tomorrow, as this is not getting fixed overnight. I have a training session to go to, so no day off for me.