I spotted this book at the library the other day, was intrigued by the title, and a flick through convinced me to investigate further: Why Mr Right Can't Find You...and How to Make Sure He Does.
I'm not saying we ought to, but if S&SI had a bible, this could be it (apart from Care of Your Recalcitrant Pachyderm, obviously).
Much of what it says is what we've been harping on about for ages: there are no 'rules'; if you only go for the guys who are brave enough to approach you, you'll only go out with dicks; and so on.
website's a bit grim though. And the last third of the book on how to get the most of out dating sites is blatant padding to make up the right number of pages.
One thing I'm curious about though: the book says that men have what it calls 'sightings' all the time -- you see a woman and you think 'HOT DAMN! She seems just right[*]', but that women don't because they're not always on the look-out. Straw poll, please.
[*] My paraphrasing. The book, I think, was a bit more vague: a general feeling of interest in someone that's about more than just thinking they're hot.