(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 23:36

I feel the need to re-post this cuz i added alot of stuff....

my perfect guy:

taller than me,(not way taller than me but taller)

up for wearing sandles(not thong kind, thoes kinda weird me out on guys)

must wear boxers(... yeah)

tanness is a positive but not nessicary..but idont want some paste-y freak lol

dresses nice..not sloppy(khacki shorts or jeans, and a cute vintage tee is what i consider nice(AND SANDLES shorts and sneakers DONT mix!!)

isnt offened when i call him a moron or fat

must play some kind of instument, be musicaly inclined in some way or atleast willing to listen to me talk about choir and broadway

has to have nice hair...i like to play with hair, ask any of my guy friends! so not to long and you cant spend to much time on it

smart...but not the cocky kind of smart guy who would make me feel dumb (Maddy knows what im talking about with this one)

if your going to correct me dont be a bitch about it, but its alright to make fun of me for it...to an extent

likes to "cuddle" often

will watch WB shows with me

not too much older than me (17-19)

have to have a car

wont tell me how hot my mom is

or how hott my best friend is

bodytype(i know this is gonna sound weird but...)football player type of body ...not skinner than me, but not fat

must know some random facts(not stupid random facts , cool ones....)

must have his own obsessions (ie phil and techno music/halo lol)

Be willing to listen to me sing...constantly

Complement me on occasion...but not every 2 seconds

Be silly with me...its fun to play/wrestle, tickel

Cannot be conservatie or homophobic

willing to be "touchy feely" (ie hand on waist while stand by eachother, holding hands, sitting on his lap he rubs my leg etc)

Willing to be fat with me (eat large amounts of food)

Kiss me in the rain

Surprise me at work

Call me in the middle of the night just to make me smile

Swing on the swings with me

Drive over randomly just to say hi or give me a kiss

Throw rocks at my window

Surprise me as much as possible

Take me on secret dates where I don’t know where we're going or what we're doing

Let me hang out with his friends, and he will hang out with mine

See at least one chick flick a month with me

Dance with me

Calls me

Asks me out, so I don’t have to plan everything

Will understand when I just want to fool around, be cuddled, or just left alone

Doesn’t expect to get some

Is with me and only me

Kisses me at red lights

Tells me im cute when im having a shitty day

Learns how to deal with my quirky-ness (the fact that I randomly dance or sing or talk in weird voices)

Can keep up with my crazy horny-ness
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