The phone story.

Sep 15, 2005 10:27

Ok first off let me tell you that Josh Kline is an angel from heaven!!!

I call this: Adventures of Mr. Red Cellie

It was a normal day in the land of MCC... Mr. Cellies mommie was late for leaving for her appointment and was throwing things together franticly. His mommie was a very bad mommie and shoved him into the wrong car seat, and forgot that she put him there so when she got to the parking lot at her appointment she looked in his normal car seat and didnt see him there she was extreemly annoyed with herself for leaving him at home. So mommie went to her 2nd appointment of the day and little Red fell out of his car seat in the middle of *ahmem* I mean her very imortant meeting... So anyway, mommie went home to look for little Red and couldnt find him anywhere. She called and called him, hoping to hear him answering her, but nothing. She was in a wide state of pannic, she didnt know if she would ever see her baby again. And so it was, for two whole days little Red was not with his mommie. And then someone upstairs put a comment in. Mommies friend Josh happend to get the urge to send mommie a message though little Red and the good faire that found Red got a hold of Josh and told him to tell some one to tell little Red's stupid head of a mommie where he was going to be. And so on the end of the 3rd day of him being missing, little Red and Mommie were reunited and were never ever ever ever ever ever separated again.

Ok children, go back to your coloring now. Good boys and girls.

LOL, lover you all!
Melissa (The stupid head of a Mommie)
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