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I made this video today for a couple of reasons.
1) My son is obviously growing hella fast and I wanna catch these precious moments.
2) My blood family live across the globe and would no doubt appreciate these glimpses of joy.
3) I have a new camera and want to use it.
4) I haven't made a video in forever.
While I was uploading this videos a couple of concerns bubbled up, would my current 340 sub count be impressed by my impromptu baby video or would I come across as a has been Dad? Then when I was sharing with Facebook I was thinking about the people raising their eyebrows at my baby video and all of their opinions of my family.
Why do I presume anybody cares and, more importantly, why do I care if they care?
I'm so sick of thinking about what other people think all the time. Such a waste of my precious moments.
So here is a video of my baby boy, the little man I love most in the world. If you love it great, if you don't great, it was for me anyway. IT WAS FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!