For the longest time I have had huge trouble reading my friend's list. For some reason, despite being the same layout as my normal journal, it's taken AEONS to load, to the point where my computer literally locks up for a couple of minutes when opening it. If I want to make a comment, that doesn't take long, but then going BACK to the friends page takes forever. So I've really not been reading my friends page much. And I've definitely not been commenting except on people whose journals I read by themselves.
Fortunately, my new layout seems to have fixed that massive loading time issue... perhaps it was a problem with the ad on the page. Derno. I'm prolly gonna change it again shortly because I want to be just like Weifei (hehe), but either way. I may or may not be back in the LJ community.
That being said, spinach + green onions + pepitas + sharp cheddar chunks + raspberry viniagrette = awesome. If only spinach didn't go bad so quickly. :(
Also, here's a few photos from Mother's Day -- I've not gotten the hang of my new camera just yet so I selectively sharpened some of them on Photoshop. But other than that, they are unedited.
Here's a cute one of Rosie in my yard:
Rosie again, my ancient turtle. She's been with us since I was 6 months old, right when we moved to West Chester. She is indescribably old... and adorable.
Above is Gummy (short for Montgomery), a turtle my dad found on Montgomery road. She's really young and small. I didn't realize how cute she was; until this weekend, I've never seen active because she's been hibernating. My family has a history of taking in turtles; sometimes they escape from their outdoor pen, sometimes they stay, and sometimes they escape and later come back. So far, Gummy seems to be staying.
Montgomery and Rosie frolic in the turtle pen. :)
One of the peculiarly-coloured begonia my dad planted in the garden.
And the dahlietta I bought intending to give to my mom but kept because my dad talked me into surrendering my pixie lily instead. Awww I wish I had that pixie lily. But hopefully my mom will like it, and this dahlietta when I bring it home!
Anyway, I'm going to Easton now. To Victoria's Secret. He he he...