Just for fun, as I've not posted many pics lately...
Me, Hina, Weifei, and Frankie... four of the members of the Even More United Nations tailgating on Lane.
Me blinking and ruining what would otherwise have been a priceless picture of my housemates and I at the stadium before the game.
Frankie and I are... interesting kids.
My birthday dinner! We seem sort of caught off guard. I look super fat in this picture, but it's because I have a weird shirt on. It's really pretty, though...
Me and two of my best friends from high school: Kat and B! We were being sexy bitches here or something. I forget what the posing instructions were.
A really weird artsy photo I *think* I took of me. Not sure. I was gonna make some joke emo icon out of it, but hthe lighting's too weird.
Now for class.