an eventful weekend

Oct 30, 2006 15:32

And there's the whole costume that I romped around in on Friday. It won an award at the PSA party. :) The event was mellow because it was pouring, trafficky, and a lot of people showed up late, but I nevertheless enjoyed myself and was grateful to Tom and Faith. I unfortunately had to leave early because my housemates had plans for later that night.

Plans were to go to Liu Pon Xi, the fabulous Asian club downtown. There was a Hallowe'en party there that Weifei, Mich, Hina, me, and whoever else was willing to pay would attend. Before we got there, though, we of course had to take photos of everybody... changed, because there was no way in hell I was going to freak in a hat full of fruit.

I rifled through my wardrobe and came up with a gypsy costume...

Fun times. Here's some more:

Here my housemates Hina and Weifei mysteriously begin cracking up when I try to take a photograph. I absolutely LOVE this image of Weifei. It's awesome. Not only is she gorgeous, but her eyes disappear when she's happy... XD

Here we are somewhat more composed. Hina is a sorceress, if you didn't notice, and Weifei is a cowgirl.

Oh my gods! A rare photograph of all the girls who live in my house! Weifei, Hina, Kat, Michaela, and me. I like to call this my "height reference photo"... just like the one above it, you can easily observe that I am not joking when I say I live amongst a bunch of shorties. XD

And finally we have a completely accidental candid shot of Weifei as she grabs her drink and takes a sip completely unaware of the person trying to photograph a nicely-posed Kat and Michaela across the kitchen. Lol lol lol, I love it. :D

The club turned out to be a dud (terrible DJ and WAY too few people), but it was certainly fun to be crazy and dress up. We left kind of early and then came back to continue making mischief at our house.


Saturday was much more low-key and pleasant. After waking up late and being picked up by Mike, he made me a delicious meal involving bacon (!!!) and then we went over the liturgy so I could feel more prepared for the rite on Sunday. By the time I was finished rambling off questions, however, it was nearly time for the Minnesota game, and I gave in and agreed to stay for it even though I felt I ought to head home and work. This turned out to be a good idea, as I realized how exhausted I truly was then, and I spent a majority of the game peacefully napping on the couch. Brian then surprised me by treating us all to dinner at TGI Friday's. Mmm, MORE bacon... I'd better pick up running again soon. XD

After I got back from Friday's, I hung out with my best friend B from home! :) We took this picture while roaming around downtown on Saturday night. Though most everything was closed and we really just settled down at Cup O Joe's to talk over coffee, this night will always be memorable to me because it was a miniature dream come true. B and I went to elementary school together and always used to dream about being grown ups who visited each other and had all sorts of fun getting decked out and exploring the city... It was really, really nice to chill with her and catch up all sorts of things.

It was also fun to waste a lot of time getting "sexied up" this weekend... this is the same B who did my make-up and hair on Friday and let me borrow cool stuff on Saturday. B is a model, so she inspires me to be fashionable and sexy and cool... which is fun. I am generally too lazy to maximize my minxing potential.


Sunday morning the adventures continued as B and I woke up early to again get cuted up and wander around downtown. We discovered to great dismay that NOTHING is freakin' open before noon in Columbus, but we did at least hang out at Starbuck's and eventually wind up entering a pagan store. I'd never been to Pearls of Wisdom before, and I kind of wish I hadn't 'cause it made me want to buy stuff... damn. I got a gorgeous lotus candleholder and B got sweet wall sconce. We really, really, REALLY wanted to go to Mystic Forest Treasures as well, but alas. The woman randomly decided not to open and we wandered to a garage sale instead. :)

After our adventures Mike picked up to go to the Three Cranes Samhain rite. I was super pumped and in a radiant mood. It was gorgeous out and the park had sweet playgrounds. Before I knew it I was embroiled in setting up the area, which turned out to be really beautiful... so yes. I was almost giddy about the cool gourds and candle holders and luminaries we had. Everybody was immensely helpful and creative. :)

The ritual itself was fantastic! I led this rite, as you probably know, and I expected to be terrified and make lots of mistakes. But I wasn't scared. I don't think I made any real mistakes. I was also able to still involve myself spiritually and emotionally, which led to a surprising connection with ancestors I had never even thought of before. That sudden awareness was so powerful it literally brought tears to my eyes... but it was my turn to speak right after that, so I blinked them back and invoked Cernunnos yet again. Cernunnos was there with us the whole time; I could almost see him standing right there behind me. Omens were good and everybody did an excellent job. :)

I came home, shared free food with my housemates, and then went early to bed... so yes.

Now you know why I am so happy yet so exhausted. :P

Anyone got pics of the rite?

life, wtf, friends, photos

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