questions, just in case anyone wants to humour me :)

Jun 03, 2006 12:45

Just for fun as I eat lunch and get ready to buckle down studying:

1. What sport or martial art should I take up next year?
Keep in mind that I am a busy girl with limited resources, and also that I suck at most sports and only pretend to be athletic. I'd sure like to be, though, and I'll try anything once... or twice... or over and over again...

2. Let's say I finish my DP someday. What study course should I take up next?

3. My hair's gettin' long here, kids. What would look most flattering on me as far as cut / colour / style?

4. Indy the water turtle is lonely. What would be a nice friend to buy for him?

5. Should I take up sewing again this summer? And if so, is there anyone I could/should Cosplay?

6. Are there any sweet hobbies I ought to adopt?

7. Should I study Chinese, Japanese, or neither next year?
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