Aug 15, 2005 15:49
I really hate not knowing how to deal with computers problems sometimes. I feel so useless. Like how the schedule/grades window of the pjc website will not pop up because it says ERROR. When I hit refresh it still says ERROR. Sucks. So its not that bad that I have a witch for a computer teacher and have to take that class online while Im at Disney. Im not that worried about it since I talked to the guy today at pjc who said that I could take the same class as a transient student at Valencia online and that they would float the grade to pjc when I am done with the fall semester. Although I think that the deadline may have passed for the fall semester but everytime I try and call Valencia to ask whats up they put me on hold for a CENTURY and I always wind up getting dissconnectd.
Am thinking about making my one semester at Disney turn into a year long internship, which would make it an advanced internship. I really cant decide what I want my bacholers degree in yet and the fact that I dont want to waste money on going to school and not really knowing what I want to do is pointless. That and the annoying fact that my car decided to die on me is another reason why I would consider staying a year. Plus, if I dont have a car payment or car insurance payments it will allow me to put the money aside that I wouldve been paying for those into a car fund. In essence I wouldnt need a co-signer to get a nice car.
How nice it must be to have parents who will buy a car for you as well as make your car insurance payments. I wonder if the kids who get these things realize how lucky they are. I wonder if they realize how hard the kids have it who have to work to pay their own bills as well as struggle to find a way to pay for the chance to go to college. I do both and it sucks ass. Although I know how shitty it is to not get to go to school because you dont have the money, not only for things like school, which most of the pell grant is covering, but for things like rent and car payments and health insurance.
HEALTH INSURANCE. I really feel like an adult now. Its sick. I think I have to pay like thirty dollars a month plus a fee everytime I need to see the docter and another fee when I have to get medicine. I have never felt more like an old person in my life when I had to pay $45 for birth controll. I was like JESUS. I felt like a penny pinching old miser. People are like, Oh it will make you a better person in the long run...maybe so, but do you know what it makes me now? Bitter. Bitter towards the little brats who do not know how good they have it with the simple things like school, a car, a home and health car all paid for by mommy and daddy. I guess its not their fault if they are just born into it and can be gratefull for what they have and REALLY KNOW how good they have it. I have friends like that, who are always there when you need a hand, because they know how good they have it. I also have friends who laugh when I say that I cant do something because I have to pay bills or whatever. They just dont understand. And they never will.
OK, so this is my journal and my thoughts and also my soapbox and I am done now. Kelly says she would never have guessed how stressed I get somtimes because I carry it so well. Thats good right? Good. Although those of you that read my journal and truly know the real person that I am will not have anything mean to say about me being on my soapbox. You know I shouldnt even be worried about randoms giving me shit on my journal. Because thats what it is. My JOURNAL.
Excited about moving in less than 12 days. Sad that I dont get to see Edward as much because he works two jobs and is now in Zombie Prom. Plus he has a new boyfriend who I really like! But admittingly was a little jealous of because he gets to see him more than I do.
Good luck PLT, when my good ol' booker T. did the show it was a knock out success. Personally I cant see Josh Walther topping Patrick. But maybe Im a little bias. I love my Patrick. And of course little Mix did well also. It wouldve been cute if sarah had gotten Toffee and then they couldve continued tradition. Awww. Have to see it cause Edward is Flagrante....Dont know about anyone else in the show. Chris Blackman is great though, loved doing Ragtime with him. Heard that Gavin kid is good. He was o.k. in Grease. Loved seeing Eddie as teen angel....funny.
Oh Bless you Pensacola. How I will miss thee.
12 Days BITCHES.