May 05, 2007 13:43
so i get up this morning at like 10. which is guess is alright, so this being my first weekend off in awhile i just went a layed on the couch and watched some tv. my parents like flipped out at me around 1030, telling me the tv had to go off at 11 and i had to actually get up and do something and i couldnt just lay around all day. okay like i was going to do that anyway. i had the whole day planned out in my head. i was going to get up watch tv clean the house tan shower and do something later on. but omg they flipped out. i got off the couch at 11 and started getting stuff ready for tanning, and then i was gonna clean the house. so i turned the tv back on around 1130 while i was dusting so i could at least watch something while i worked..and my mom flipped out. she was like "omg i said the tv had to be off and you need to clean the house why arent you done yet" blah blah blah. i was like holy crap i doing it right now!! so then i had almost all of the house cleaned except for the kitchen floor and bathroom floors, so i went out and tanned. during that i made myself an awesome lunch and talked to my dad. i came back inside, and started talking to my parents and they bourght up how i have done nothing at all today. i was like are you kidding me?!?!?! i cleaned almost the entire house leave me alone. then my mom started yelling at me about my laundry so i was getting mad but whatever. i moved my laundry around and i was gonna go downstairs and fold it and put it away, but then she said i had to stay outside with my cousin while she went to the store...she was yelling at me because i wanted to do my work. lsfjdlsfjd. then tom and uncle johnny came home so i went inside and folded my laundry and cleaned most of the floors except for the kitchen floor because the swiffer thing wasnt charged. so my mom comes home and i was doign my laundry and i was like "hey mom the floors not done yet becaues the thing wasnt charged" and she was like "well i did it on my hands and knees last weekend" and i was like "does that mean i dont have to do it that way" and she was like "YES STEPHANI YOU HAVE TO CLEAN THE FLOOR" "i was like..."k i wasnt trying to get out of cleaning the floor i was asking if i had to do it on my hands and knees" and she was like "you've been trying to get out of cleaning the house all day long, you're not allowed to do anything anymore, because this house has to be clean" "mom, i havent been trying to get out of doing it, if i didnt finish cleaning today i would have finished tomorrow, i just dont understand why you're freaking out at me when you let adrianne go to a friends house and she hasnt cleaned the chiropractor yet" she didnt like that one she said "DONT WORRY ABOUT ADRIANNE, SHE'LL CLEAN THE CHIROPRACTOR JUST FINISH CLEANING THIS HOUSE AND DONT ASK ME TO GO ANYWHERE FOR A LONG TIME" i was like "okay seriously mom, i was just saying."
its not like i'm not gonna finish cleaning the house. and she's flipping out for no reason. like she actually thinks i'm trying to get out of it. i'm not! i dont care if i have to clean. but seriously she needs to stop freaking out. its gonna get done. i just dont understand if adrianne is allowed to go out before her cleaning is done...why cant i? slfkjsfdljksd. grrrrrrrr. i'm so frustrated.
oh yeah. my dad's moving back to michigan.