(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 15:30

Singingcutie1989 [5:01 PM]: how do you get a background for lj
Singingcutie1989 [5:01 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:01 PM]: well first...
Jdude8907 [5:02 PM]: you have to say "Jason, you rock my world"
Singingcutie1989 [5:02 PM]: jason you rock my world
Singingcutie1989 [5:02 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:02 PM]: alrighty then
Jdude8907 [5:02 PM]: okay...
Jdude8907 [5:02 PM]: do you have the URL for the image?
Singingcutie1989 [5:03 PM]: i dunno'
Singingcutie1989 [5:03 PM]: how do you get to that
Jdude8907 [5:03 PM]: lol, do you know what image you want to use for the backgroung?
Jdude8907 [5:03 PM]: background***
Singingcutie1989 [5:03 PM]: no
Singingcutie1989 [5:03 PM]: i'm trying to fine one
Singingcutie1989 [5:03 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:03 PM]: okay, well when you find one, let me know
Singingcutie1989 [5:04 PM]: i don't know how to find one lol
Jdude8907 [5:05 PM]: Google Image Search
Jdude8907 [5:05 PM]: go there and tell type in what you're looking for and then let me know if you find it
Singingcutie1989 [5:05 PM]: ok thanks
Jdude8907 [5:08 PM]: or... do you want it to say something like mine?
Singingcutie1989 [5:08 PM]: no i pic
Jdude8907 [5:09 PM]: okay
Singingcutie1989 [5:13 PM]: ok i got one
Jdude8907 [5:14 PM]: k, right click on the image and go to "Properties" and then copy the website where it says "Image URL" and sent it to me
Jdude8907 [5:15 PM]: it also might say "Address (URL)"
Singingcutie1989 [5:17 PM]: lol
Singingcutie1989 [5:17 PM]: i'm dump
Singingcutie1989 [5:17 PM]: dumb
Jdude8907 [5:17 PM]: ?
Singingcutie1989 [5:17 PM]: i don't even know what your talking about
Singingcutie1989 [5:17 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:18 PM]: lol, okay
Jdude8907 [5:18 PM]: just send me the website link to the picture
Singingcutie1989 [5:21 PM]: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.krislon.net/images/Love/Wall/iloveyou.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.krislon.net/Love/Wallpaper.htm&h=600&w=800&sz=25&tbnid=FGYfylh-tEgJ:&tbnh=106&tbnw=141&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlove%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8
Jdude8907 [5:22 PM]: okay, now go to where you can edit your journal
Singingcutie1989 [5:23 PM]: ok
Singingcutie1989 [5:23 PM]: there
Jdude8907 [5:23 PM]: and is your journal under S1 or S2 settings?
Singingcutie1989 [5:23 PM]: the new onne
Jdude8907 [5:23 PM]: lol, that don't help
Jdude8907 [5:23 PM]: just a sec
Singingcutie1989 [5:23 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:26 PM]: okay...
Jdude8907 [5:26 PM]: you can't have a background picture on the new system
Singingcutie1989 [5:26 PM]: o
Singingcutie1989 [5:26 PM]: um how do you ge t to the page to change it
Jdude8907 [5:27 PM]: are your settings so that you choose what you want to do to your journal from the tool bar at the top?
Singingcutie1989 [5:27 PM]: ya
Jdude8907 [5:28 PM]: okay, go to Manage and then Customize
Jdude8907 [5:28 PM]: then it should say Choose Style System
Singingcutie1989 [5:28 PM]: ya got that
Jdude8907 [5:28 PM]: and go to Old System S1 and then click Change
Singingcutie1989 [5:28 PM]: k
Singingcutie1989 [5:29 PM]: then go to mange and info right
Jdude8907 [5:29 PM]: no
Singingcutie1989 [5:29 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:29 PM]: click Modify Journal at the bottom
Singingcutie1989 [5:30 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:30 PM]: then scroll down to where it says Overrides and then there is a big open box
Singingcutie1989 [5:30 PM]: ya
Jdude8907 [5:31 PM]: k...
Singingcutie1989 [5:31 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:31 PM]: copy what I just sent you and put it in that big box
Singingcutie1989 [5:32 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:32 PM]: then go down and click Save Changes
Jdude8907 [5:32 PM]: and then view your journal
Jdude8907 [5:32 PM]: we might not be finished tho
Jdude8907 [5:33 PM]: because the colors might not be the way you want them
Singingcutie1989 [5:33 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:34 PM]: yeah, so now go back to the page with the big box
Singingcutie1989 [5:34 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:34 PM]: and where it says Page Layout Style ...choose the layouts that you want
Jdude8907 [5:35 PM]: and then choose the color theme that you want
Singingcutie1989 [5:35 PM]: what page layout do you have
Jdude8907 [5:36 PM]: Disjointed
Singingcutie1989 [5:36 PM]: ok
Singingcutie1989 [5:36 PM]: ok
Singingcutie1989 [5:37 PM]: save changes
Singingcutie1989 [5:37 PM]: then look at journal again
Singingcutie1989 [5:37 PM]: ?
Jdude8907 [5:37 PM]: yep
Singingcutie1989 [5:37 PM]: k
Singingcutie1989 [5:38 PM]: hmm
Jdude8907 [5:38 PM]: oh, did you want it so that the background stays there and the objects are the only thing that move?
Jdude8907 [5:38 PM]: ...like mine?
Singingcutie1989 [5:38 PM]: ya
Singingcutie1989 [5:41 PM]: sry bout that
Jdude8907 [5:41 PM]: s'alright
Singingcutie1989 [5:42 PM]: damn computer kicked me off
Singingcutie1989 [5:43 PM]: ok so how do you do it like yours were the backgrond doesn't move
Jdude8907 [5:44 PM]: okay
Jdude8907 [5:44 PM]: are you at the Overrides box page?
Singingcutie1989 [5:44 PM]: yes
Jdude8907 [5:44 PM]: okay, erase the code that I had you put in there
Singingcutie1989 [5:45 PM]: k
Jdude8907 [5:45 PM]: there, ya got mail again
Singingcutie1989 [5:46 PM]: k
Singingcutie1989 [5:46 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:47 PM]: then, ya know... save, and view it
Singingcutie1989 [5:48 PM]: k
Singingcutie1989 [5:48 PM]: thanks
Jdude8907 [5:48 PM]: yep
Singingcutie1989 [5:48 PM]: your a lifesaver
Jdude8907 [5:48 PM]: lol
Singingcutie1989 [5:48 PM]: you rock my world you crazy llama lover
Jdude8907 [5:48 PM]: lol there ya go
Singingcutie1989 [5:48 PM]: lol'
Jdude8907 [5:48 PM]: :-D
Jdude8907 [5:48 PM]: lol
Singingcutie1989 [5:49 PM]: you happy
Singingcutie1989 [5:49 PM]: lol
Jdude8907 [5:49 PM]: yes, yes I am, lol
Singingcutie1989 [5:49 PM]: nice blonde intructions
Singingcutie1989 [5:49 PM]: thank you lol
Jdude8907 [5:49 PM]: lol
Singingcutie1989 [5:50 PM]: hehe
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