What's the point? What is even the point?
Not even school has been a good enough reason to leave the house the past couple days. Though my therapist appointment was, which I think is a good sign. And shopping at Target & putting gas in the car were, which is also prob'ly good. But damn. It's sad when you want to take your next vacation at Cedars-Sinai. And I'm not even sure they have an in-patient program/ward/thingy.
And T's made all his journal entries private. Fuck. If he's going to shut me out that way...it's tempting to do the same. Take him off my friends list & make my journal friends only. But I won't. Because I can't. Because bridge burning might be my reflex, but I know it's not the right thing to do.
I wish I had a psychiatrist appointment this week. Not til next. I am seeing both, for those who read this. An intern I'll call my therapist, & an actual psychiatrist I'll call...my psychiatrist. Or my shrink & my pshrink. I kinda like that. =) I see my shrink 1x/week. My pshrink appts seem to be 1x/2 weeks. I don't like it, but our schedules don't mesh that well.
Blech. We're supposed to do something everyday that scares us. Does getting out of bed count?