Nov 12, 2003 15:48
I was w/ Joy & some other people from Hillel doing the Jamba Juice thing, when the drummer from Radio Free America came up to us to plug the band & gave us stickers, full length CDs & fliers for their next show. We talked, & he jokingly asked if anyone wanted an autograph & I said sure & pushed a pen & the flier at him & he said "I only sign breasts though."
I was wearing a peasant style shirt w/ a nice loose neck, so I pulled it down just far enough for him to Everyone at the table started cracking up. And Brian (that's his name), was true to his word & he signed me! He thanked me for letting him sign my "rack," I thanked him in return & he joked about how he should keep the pen.
Anyone wanna loan me $10 so I can go see the RFA show on Saturday? Hehehe!