original post ::
http://marcgunn.livejournal.com/346078.html from Marc's post
Shoot! I've been so busy trying to get ready for Ireland I forgot to promote the fact that my new CD is out on the June 6th. Yes, "Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lovers Companion" is officially available online in TWO DAYS!!!
I was hoping to try to get the word out so I could get everyone to go to CD Baby on June 6th and purchase a copy, thus, push the CD up their charts. And I forgot!
Because I forgot. Could you please help me get the word out. On June 6th, email your friends, blog about it, podcast about, tell everyone you can to go to
http://cdbaby.com/cd/mgtdtc3/from/celtic/ (or at least I *think* that'll be the URL) and purchase a copy. The CD will even be on sale. Please help me push it up the charts!
And of course for those of you who've already reviewed the CD, get ready to post your reviews. You can read a bunch of reviews here.
Thank you all for your help!
Because June 6th is also the day I'll be flying to Ireland. Wouldn't that be a great day to top the CD Baby charts?!
Celtic musician Marc Gunn
marcgunn has a new album that will be available for purchase as of June 6th - "Irish Drinking Songs; The Cat Lover's Companion". This collection of traditional & creative songs are the "regular" versions of - and therefore the companions to - the songs Marc ingeniously parodied on his album "Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lover's".
Why should you care???
it's a worthy collection of Celtic/Gaelic/Irish "drinking" songs to own,
there are cute kitties somewhere in every graphic element of this CD - including on the CD its self,
the playlist has a great re-play value,
you might even want to toss this on at parties,
Marc is fun guy,
did I mention the cute kitties?
Marc does tons of cool FREE stuff for everyone, with profits from CD sales,
... and 'cause I totally did all the graphic design for the whole CD, for real, myself and I'm totally excited about this, having never done something like this before, w00tohmygawdI'mpsyched! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!! :D
*ahem* Yeah. :) I'm a little excited about that, hehehee.
w00t! Go buy CDs on Wednesday!!!!! :D
--follow the link at the top of this entry, to Marc's LJ post, for the proper links to all of info & CDs---
{FYI:: purchasing a CD does NOT mean you are sending me money in a round'about way... This is something I did for Marc, and I am just really excited about the potential of people owning something I have helped create & put into the world :) cheers!}