May 28, 2007 10:53
:: Awesomness at a level of wonderful amazingly nice fun & friendliness. :D
And a thought ::
Paris Hilton is non-precisely my age. She has a herd of paparazzi that follower her in order to photograph every cellular movement of her Life. She usually shows up in most of those pictures looking like she is a bit sleepy and a bit smug about something. And like she could really use a good meal... which I s'pect she could absolutely afford, at least 3 times a day, every day of the year.
Meanwhile, I can go anywhere and be the sole authenticator of my own cellular movements through Life, most of the Time... until I go to parties or chill with friends & people in general, where - if crossed with food items, and therefore am given opportunities to do something entirely natural for me to do, (i.e. play with the food in ways not initially inteneded, perhaps, for the food to be used for) - I tend to be photographed for my more celery movements.
It is an interesting world we live in, lol.
I'm loving it ;D
The BBQ was great fun, Woodchuck & Val!!! :D Thank you for the hosting!!!
... and thank you to whomever brought the cupcakes with the sprinkles! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
warwick ny,
fun stuff,