Star Trek Big Bang: Art Post!

Oct 30, 2009 06:03

YAY, I'm so happy today is finally here! :D

I signed up for startrekbigbang, and I think I must have phenomenally good luck when it comes to Big Bang assignments, because I got SO lucky with this one, y'all. I had the pleasure of making art for Reconciliation by the lovely betweenthebliss, and it could not have been AWESOMER.

This fic is AMAAAAAZING; you guys should read it IMMEDIATELY. See that link right up there? Go, right now! It's a crossover between Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica, but it doesn't matter if you haven't seen BSG--betweenthebliss does SUCH a good job at integrating everything into the Star Trek universe that I promise it will make total sense to you even if you have no idea who Kara Thrace is. And if you do, it just makes it ten times awesomer and more impressive. This fic is seriously so good and gripping; I'm in love with everything about it, from the characterization to the intense plot to the subtletyyy and asklsjkjkd I could probably talk about this for hours, I love it so! Instead I'll shut my mouth and show you some pictures. :D They are spoilery, obviously.


I did two drawings for this. The first is of Spock and Kara on Galactica, in the memorial hallway.


She is accusing him; he hears himself answer and thinks perhaps he is not as detached as he ought to be. "No, Lieutenant, you are correct on that score." His throat works convulsively as he swallows once, bone dry. "I-- apologize if I gave the impression-- it was not my intention."


Aaand the second is of Kirk and Adama the last time Kirk goes over to Galactica.


Adama seems to think about this for a second. "It doesn't take much. Just let 'em know you're willing to die for 'em." His eyes are deep and piercing. "You are, aren't you?"

Jim's uncomfortable, but manages a laugh; no one's ever thought to ask him that before, but there's no hesitation before his answer. "Of course I am."

Adama's eyebrow goes up and he shrugs. "Do they know that?"

"They should by now. I've pulled enough crazy--" The look on Adama's face stops him short, grave and serious and expectant, like there's an answer in what Jim just said and he hasn't even realized it. He shuts up (something he's learned how to do; despite what he told Roslin, Spock and Uhura usually are pretty good at letting him know when not to talk) and thinks for a second.


Materials, for anyone curious, were black and white charcoal and paper bags from my recycling bin. :D


I made two possible titles:

and a divider!


- Man, I have got to thank betweenthebliss again. Honestly I don't feel I've done her justice! She's been SO sweet and enthusiastic and awesome, and I wish I could have drawn her FIVE HUNDRED pieces of Sistine-Chapel-quality art for her fic. Sadly I am not that skilled, or fast. XD But you're awesome, Emily. ♥

- Thank you, mods, for putting on this awesome challenge! I'm so so so excited to see what everyone else has been doing :D and you guys have been just great. ♥


Chris Pine, you have a beautiful face, but if I ever have to attempt to draw it with any degree of realism again, I shall probably cry. Katee Sackhoff, that goes double for you.

s'pose i need an art tag, big bang

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