meme: fic roundup

Oct 20, 2009 23:10

Collected for your convenience, here are all the fics born from my meme, which I have finally finished! I promise I'm not usually QUITE THAT LAME about finishing them, guys. :\ Separated into categories because a decent number of them were timestamps, haha. Also, melmelchan and perseid should make sure to read the note at the bottom of the post.


for arlad: your body is my body and we breathe between the lines; "Jim playing at a jazzy bar or something, being all sexy, and Spock being jealous when other people check him out."
musical_magic: Spock + parents; phone calls, awkward tension, and Jim to the rescue.
for rhinosputum: Jim's life and his point of view, his reasons for pursuing Spock, etc.
belle_favrielle: Chekov/Sulu; just relaxing in their room, or Sulu thinking about how good a musician Chekov is, and whether he gets jealous or not.
for rosepetalfall: next year all our troubles will be out of sight; "Spock/Kirk in the Symphony Universe, but a couple of years later? And narrated by Uhura?" Christmas 1.5 years later.
for perseid: oh, btw; "I'd love to see a Symphony snippet with the rest of their small group finding out Kirk and Spock have hooked up."
for wintersjuly: so quite new a thing; "pre or post sfsap, whatever you like or feel like writing - someone - uhura, kirk, chekov - anyone, discovers spock's weakness for chocolate? cue chocolate related hijinks and spock manfully resisting his sweet tooth." Focuses on the beginning of Uhura and Spock's friendship (so, pre-Spock/Uhura, pre-SFSAP).

A SPOCK/KIRK ACADEMY AU which I am not fleshing out because looordy I do not have time for another epic

slytherin_gypsy: Kirk gets a pep talk from Pike *a lot* sooner and joins Starfleet the same year as Spock. They become best friends and try (unsuccessfully) to hide their true feelings from each other.
for melmelchan: d) all of the above; "I loved that little piece you did for slytherin_gypsy about Kirk and Spock and the Kobayashi Maru. So I'm requesting another piece as a follow-up, or even just one in that same universe." How Kirk and Spock met.


for snackbreak: Spock, Kirk, nutella. illogically delicious. :D 8D ♥


NOTE: I know wintersjuly and rosepetalfall have seen this, but! Since it took me WAY longer than it ought to have to get to the last four of these and I feel really horrible about making those last people wait, I'm offering to write you guys (wintersjuly, rosepetalfall, melmelchan, and perseid) a second request to be completed within a week of getting it, as a way of making it up to them for having to wait. I haven't heard from melmelchan or perseid; lemme know if you see this! Otherwise I will attempt to PM you in a couple of days. SERIOUSLY, this is my huge apology for being so lame. ♥

fic, academy au i'm not writing, drabble, stars and planets 'verse

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