your body is my body and we breathe between the lines

Sep 03, 2009 07:42

Title: your body is my body and we breathe between the lines
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: ~1600
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Summary: AU set in the same universe as Symphony for Stars and Planets, based on the prompt "Jim playing at a jazzy bar or something, being all sexy, and Spock being jealous when other people check him out."
Notes: This was SUPPOSED to be ( Read more... )

kirk/spock (in some order), fic, xi, stars and planets 'verse

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fizzerbass September 6 2009, 12:32:19 UTC
*note to self: Always sit on nearest object when reading anything by singingintime otherwise buttocks will meet floor in a nanosecond.*

In other words, you knock me on my ass. Who ever knew trumpet playing could be so sexy? I mean, I was a band geek growing up and still never came across something this wholely hot and eminently satisfying. It's not so much what Jim is playing, but rather, how he is playing it. Totally immersed, totally subsumed, totally giving of his whole self to his audience because he simply can't not play...and yet you just know part of the reason he is so free with his talent is because he has Spock grounding him and loving him and letting him be himself. I know this piece was so Spock-centric, but the way you wrote Spock's - and everyone else's - focus on Jim, it's like Jim was every other word in every sentence.

I loved Spock's turmoil in this. Not that I want to see him tortured and full of anguish, just that you've made him so very vulnerable and, even better, aware of his vulnerability...which in turn makes him appear even stronger. I was relieved when he moved backstage to avoid the crush of people (and their wanting of Jim) because you wrote the scene so vividly I feel like taking a shower now to get the cigarette smell out of my hair. *g*

Finally (because long-assed comment is long), I admit to snooping into the comments above to find out you are planning what sounds like sequelS to No Win Scenario. All I have to say is I've already marked out the spot on the floor in preparation to be knocked on my ass.

Once again.


vampirehottie91 September 6 2009, 23:19:43 UTC
you put my random half ass sleep deprived thoughts into words xD


fizzerbass September 7 2009, 14:18:10 UTC
No problem. *g* It's easy when the story is this good to begin with, yeah?

Hope you get some sleep soon!


singingintime September 9 2009, 02:54:50 UTC
Ahhh, I never know how to reply to your comments! *hands* You are far, FAR too nice and complimentary! ♥♥♥ Just--oh my gosh, thank you so, SO much, I am simply blown away and truly, truly pleased at the level of enjoyment you got from it, and from my other stuff. *blush* So happy to have provided.

And oh, man. All the trumpet players I know are suuchhh dorks, but when they play, it doesn't matter one whit. Putting so much of yourself into something--it's the difference between a good musician and an amazing musician, imho. Someone can have all the skill in the world, but if they don't FEEL it . . . it's not really music, it's not really saying anything. Whoops, mini-ramble there. XD Anyway, I'm so pleased that's what you felt from Jim! That was definitely something I wanted to convey. :D

And to be honest, Spock's turmoil is something I struggle with, because at the heart of it all, he is very much NOT a weak person, in ANY universe, you know? However, in this 'verse, at this point in time, he's got some issues to get through still--so I'm so relieved that like, that came across as not being weakness, but vulnerability? IDK how to word it. I'm glad you don't think he's a girl crying into his pillow or something, I guess. XD I was hoping it hadn't come across like that.

And yes, workin' on those--one happy and one sad, and they are both giving me a devil of a time! *sigh* I hope to be done with them soon--hopefully people think they live up to their predecessor! *crosses fingers nervously*

Thank you againnn for your lovely, lovely comment, my dear. ♥


fizzerbass September 10 2009, 00:54:47 UTC
Ahhh, I never know how to reply to your comments!

Don't be silly, that's easy! Just a simple "thank you" will suffice - accompanied by twenty or thirty more fics! See? Easy as pie. *grin*


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