just what i needed (and not the song that a shitty cover band played)

Jul 09, 2006 13:53

Well, at the last minute, I decided to go ahead and go to Summerfest, after too much thought about money and my car. I was under the impression that my car simply wouldn't make it, or I'd further the process in ending its life. Kudos to Jon for putting up with about 5 phone calls with me cancelling and then not.

I planned a budget of only $50 to take down there with me, and was worried if that would be enough... only to be pleasantly surprised at how far it carried me, and that was including the $15 ticket and the $7 shuttle bus ride. A pint of beer cost $5. I almost died when Jon told me this, but I was also pleasantly surprised at how far a pint of beer went. Jon again gets Kudos for getting me the beer, seeing as how I'm still a mere 2 weeks from buying it myself. I was very thankful for that.

We got there around 4pm, and Guster didn't play until 10. We had to sit through one incredibly shitty cover band, although I give them points for *trying* to be entertaining. But listening to them sober was a bad idea. After that band was Bobby Friss, who actually put on a damn good show. I'm assuming they're something local, and they were *good*. After that was a bands name I can't remember, but they played a lot of oldie but goodies... and their lead guitarist was damn good. He played a Jimi Hendrix rendition of the national anthem, and I was impressed. I got shivers, which after my time at UW-O doesn't happen much (don't be a music major and expect to not have your music change. I've found a I'm more critical of the music I listen to, but I still enjoy it nonetheless). What irritated me was that, despite the fact that at times I can't stand living in the U.S., and I certainly can't stand our current president, a small portion of the crowd (comprised of annoying high school kids) didn't stand up. I think its the most disrespectful thing to do that... but I guess I shouldn't preach - to each his own. The lead singer did mention it though, and I was glad he did.

The Willie Porter band was next, and it's difficult to find a comparison to their sound. Something like a mellow version of Guster, Dave Matthews Band, and something else I can't put my finger on. All I know is that the singer/lead guitarist was INSANE. The fingering on the guitar looked next to impossible, and I was uber impressed because it sounded fucking AMAZING. At this point I was a small version of drunk, and I think this is when Jon and I took a break to get some chow.

He showed me Lake Michigan from that area, and of course I felt the inate need to go rock climbing in a skirt. Aaaand of course I fall. Only this was the slowest fall known to mankind, and one girl actually tried to help me, only I brought her down with me, and I still don't know how that was possible, seeing as how the fall itself tooke damn near 15 seconds. It was ridiculous, my ego was bruised, and Jon did what he should have and just told a joke and shook his head. He apologized later for it, but haha... I would have done this same thing to save our faces. I have a feeling I'm not going to live that down a for a while either... but I know as well as most of my friends do that an event isn't over until I've busted my ass. I have a small scrape on my left knee as a result, too.

We decided to go back to our seats, which were actually damn good... RIGHT in the center and about 7 or 8 rows back. Yum. I met a few of his friends, too.. and they were incredibly nice and I'd love to hang out with them again sometime.

Guster FINALLY came on, and I thought I would either die or lose my voice from screaming. I saw them at the Rave with Chris April of 2005, and htey put on an okay show, but I wasn't impressed, they just played a ton of my favorite songs. So I warned Jon that they didn't put on a huge show. ...Only to have them prove me wrong in every way possible. This was probably one of the best shows I've seen, and it was incredible. The thing I love about Guster concerts is that all of the fans seem to get so *involved*. They have certain things they yell, certain parts they some how pseudo coreograph out, and they're just so damn KOOL. (Except for the fucking 15 year olds that are ridiculous). Guster also ended up playing the longest out of any other headlining band there, which they promised. It was incredible. The entire time I pleaded silently to play "Demon," and about half way through they did. I completely lost it, as well has pretty much the entire crowd. They also played by far the KOOLEST rendition of "Airport Song" that in the words of Jon "competely outdid the one on their 'Goldfly' album." They somehow made it almost sound trance like, and holy shit it was incredible.

I can only sum it up in a few words: Guster is the SHIT and I will see them play many more times to come. Their concerts seem to get better everytime.

Afterwards was aweful, as we had to make a bum rush to the shuttle busses, as well as EVERYone else in Summerfest. We finally made our way to the line, only to have it get worse as we got closer to the busses. People were getting smushed like crazy, pissed off, and I was afraid it was going to turn into something entirely too ugly, and people were going to get hurt. Jon did his best to calm my worries, and ended up succeeding. We finally got on the bus, and probably should have waited for the next one, but were told "it'll be tight but you guys should be fine." Yeah we ended up having to stand for the 25 minute ride, and the driver drove like a fucking bat out of hell and it was like an never ending surf ride for he and I. We basically had to almost constantly counteract the maniac drivers moves backwards to stay standing up.

I was just going to drive home after all the craziness, but when I got into my car, I was exhasted and wasn't entirely sure I'd make it home okay. I told him I'd just go and call him if anything happened, only to have my freaking phone die as I say it. So Jon being the hospitable guy he is offered me to crash with him at his parents'.

Their house is amazing. And his mom is UBER nice. Woke up to a re-run of France vs. Portugal and some damn good coffee.

I took my time driving home, because I love long drives and good music to accompany them. I just let my thoughts fly and watch the scenery (not much in Wisconsin, mostly farms and stuff - but can be pretty landscape nonetheless). I figured out my gas mileage, and I averaged about 22 miles per gallon, which is kinda shitty, but better than some. For my car, it's a god damn miracle. It made it there and back just fine, and raised my spirits a lot reguarding the condition of my car... just like everyone said it would. Still doesn't change the fact that it sucks a lot, but at least I know I can depend on it for a while yet.

Sorry this post is so long... I'd make a LJ cut, but I don't know how to do it (sad, I've had this journal for almost 4 years now...) and I'm afraid I'd mess it up and have to type this all over again, which I do NOT want to do.

HOLY CRAP the second half of the World Cup is starting and I have to see this. I'm hoping Italy will pull through, because I can't stand France. At this moment it's tied 1-1 and it's killing me.

One of the best weekends I've had in a long time :)
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