Dec 26, 2004 16:22
I'll say stuff Started on Wednesday....
on Wednesday I went to Semi formal...It was really fun but it wasnt quite what I excepted. I Danced all night! that was fun. but my friend and I got into a little arguement so her plans to sleep to my house went out the window.
On thursday I stayed home from morning classes. I went for a walk with my friend Raymond and met up with my ex boyfriend Alex and my friend Jillian. Alex asked Jillian and Raymond if he could pull me aside and go for a short walk just the two of us. We went for a walk...
Alex: so whats new?
me: ummm nothing really same as yesterday.... you?
Alex: well Ive been thinking alot...about you.
Me: oh...
Alex: I know I dumped you in june...but all summer I missed you and when you went out with Kyle I thought my heart would break. (starts to cry a bit) Sarah I miss you.
Me: ( very confused) Why do you choose now to tell me this?
Alex: Well the new year is coming up and I wanted you to know so all of my secrets would be out before 2005.
Me: ok... you just wanted me to know?
Alex: well I did want you to know...but I need to know something. is there any chance we could be together again?
me: Alex...I dont really know...
Alex( starts to cry!!! ) oh well we should get back to Ray and Jill. but 1 more thing.
(I waited a few seconds and he kissed me and then it started to snow! it was like a movie. but anyway...I pulled away)
Me: Alex...
Alex: were under mislitoe.
Me: ok... (I looked up but there was nothing there) I dont get it.
Alex: ok I lied I just wanted to kiss you (laughs a bit)
Me: Alex thats not that funny...
Alex: right when those words came out of my mouth I knew you were going to say no we couldnt be together I had to give you one last kiss. I love you Sarah and always will.
And he went back to Ray and Jill. That night we had a Christmas Party to exchange gifts.Everything went GREAT! until I opened Alexs gift to me. It looked like it was just a card. Inside was a list of all of the things we did together. also there was a picture of the ring he got me last Christmas underneath the picture it said...."I dont know if you still have this ring..or if you remeber, but I will never forget the smile you had when I gave it to you. Maybe this picture will do the same."
That was Thursday. Friday again...I didnt do anything really big. Alex Called that night and demanded a reason why we couldnt be together. I told him how much he hurt me emotionally when we did go out. so I started crying. I told him everything I was going through right now and he started LAUGHING! I told him thats the exact reason why I couldnt go out with him and hung up. then I went to mass and let everything out through my singing.
Saturday (Christmas) I woke up at 7 to open Presents. I got alot of things...Jesus Christ Superstar on DVD, A mini disc player, a razor...etc I also got a phone call from Kyle. He said that hes sorry for everything and he missed our friendship and he wanted us to be friends like we used to. I said ok and we went for a little walk to catch up. It was great!
Anyway I've decided to write a list of everything I did this Year, write itdown and burn the year goes, so does everything that happened in the past. Its been a very hard year, but me living through it shows that God wants me around. Thats all I need to know! someone is there for me! I've done some pretty bad things this year... but why spend your life regreting when you can live for acheive from your mistakes! Now that I know what I did wrong, I know what not to do which will help me so much!
Not one person knows who I am and what I've done. Before the year is over I will tell someone of my troubles! I dont know who. When God Gives me the power to share, I will share it with whoever I'm talking to! It will feel amazing!
I will try to post more everyone. I've just been really confused! but thanks for Reading and Luv you all!