Hi! I really love the English Vocaloids (and the Spanish ones as well), but songs by them can be hard to find or easy to overlook. So I thought I'd post a linkdump of stuff I've found that I like so far! There tend to be a lot of covers from the English/Spanish side of things, but there are original songs out there too if you look, haha
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I really love Clara and Bruno! I do hope people make some more originals for them, although some of their covers are still pretty cool. I'd keep an eye on CYO Style at least.
Let's see... I follow some devart groups for the English vocaloids (engloids and engloid-fans), and sometimes producers will upload cover art or announcements for new songs they're doing there. I watch Puffihn and Giuseppe in general. Sometimes I'll wander around the vocaloidotaku subforums for them and rummage through what's posted, and then sometimes linkhop from related videos from there if I'm bored. If I get REALLY bored I'll go through the songlists at the Vocaloid wiki, like this one for Lola though I haven't done that in a while. I don't really have a set method or anything, I just sort of stumble on them, haha.
I didn't know people were trying for a youtube vocaran. :o Although I can sort of see how you can do it by setting the youtube search filters to most viewed/this week or something like that. Though it'd be easier if everyone used a set tag for the english/spanish/korean vocaloids. As it is you'd probably have to just individually search each Vocaloid's name and then compile a 30 song list from all the results. Hmmm.
Yeah, I stumbled across a Youtube vocaran a while back. I think it had its own thread on V-O, but it linked to a very slow loading site that tried to load all 30 videos on one page, so I said 'well I must keep an eye on that when things are faster' and promptly forgot about it. I don't honestly know what metrics they were using, but I guess you could combine views, likes, dislikes, and number of comments. You're right, though, it really does highlight how all over the place YT's tags are.
Dang :O Haha yeah I can see how that could slow things down a lot. Although now that I've thought about it it seems intriguingly possible, depending on how thorough I wanted to be. LIKE I NEED MORE WORTHLESS PROJECTS TO TAKE UP MY TIME
I might try and do a one month ranking just to see if it can be done idk.
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