UTAU post of sorts

Jun 06, 2011 19:38

Hello everyone. Been wanting to write an UTAU post since forever, but then assignments happened and I kinda forgot and bleh. Anyway, there's been too many good songs lately that just need to be pimped, so here goes (apologies in advance for my sucky descriptions):

【唄音ウタ】 てるてる 【オリジナル】

Shine Shine (nakano4, Defoko)
As per usual, Nakano's newest song is yet another hit, and it's no wonder why. Crisp melodies with solid beats build up this stylish track, added with great tuning that makes Defoko's voice actually rather soothing and less robotic than she usually is, and the shiny video is definitely another plus. Definitely a must-watch.


A Drowsy Superman Can't Fly (Ichikura, Hakupo+Yuragi)
Recently a compilation of songs featuring Tsukishiro Hakupo was released on Nico, and one of my favorites of the bunch is this one. From the title and thumbnail you can guess that it's gonna be pretty silly and cute, and it indeed is - a ridiculously adorable song with peppy melodies, the voices aren't the smoothest but still really clear. Be sure to check other songs in the compilation as well, they're all good.

【重音テト・デフォ子】 音 源 言 っ て み ろ ! 【550人】

Voicebank Name Roll-Call! (cover by That's On, Teto+Defoko)
In yet another incarnation of the roll-call meme, That's On covers maretu's original and tries to name as many UTAU voicebanks as possible. The tuning's a bit wonky in this one, but it's not like I mind so much when I'm too busy trying to read off all the names that come and go (and boy are there tons I haven't even heard of). Of course, with the number of voicebanks nearing thousands, 550 doesn't even come close to covering all of them, so there's bound to be some "I wasn't called" songs sooner or later...

【小村ガエリ↓音源】音 源 名 言 わ れ て な い【便乗オリジナル】

My Voicebank Name Wasn't Called (Namahage, Gaeri)
...and then, not even a day afterwards, here's one of them already featuring poor forgotten Komura Gaeri, made by her voicer. It's actually a nice, melancholic piano song with pretty good vocals, and it would've probably made me as sad as some of the commenters seem to be if I weren't so busy being amused by how fast it takes for some people at Nico to react to memes...

【重音テト】Dancing Dreamer【オリジナル】

Dancing Dreamer (neL, Teto)
neL's newest is a bit different from their usual work, but it's still just as marvelous. A funky old-school style tune with stylish pianos and great trumpets, made even better with the surprisingly solid tuning of Teto's voice. As the title suggests, you can just sway and dance to the tune.


Catch Me in Wonderland (Freesize, Luna+Rook)
A playful fantasy-themed song that jumps around to and from different styles, with a cute HANASU segment in the middle and a healthy dose of Engrish near the end. It's a pity that the tuning suffers quite a bit, but the music is still a huge load of fun to listen to and the PV is just so darn adorable.


Look For the Difference (Kino, Ritsu)
Normally I'm all over Kino's works, but for some reasons I don't really like this one. It's a perfectly fine upbeat rock track and the tuning's excellent as always, but somehow I'm just not into it. Guess it's just me preferring their usual melancholic stuff, so go give this one a try because it's really not bad at all.


Bakutengudou (Amido, Nitarou+Koto+Ichihime)
One of my favorites among the bunch, an energetic Japanese ethnic-style tune fused with thumping rock, combined with equally lively and clear voices that mesh really well together - the tuning's top notch and I gotta say the choruses are really well done. An all-around great listen.


Ammonite (geppei-taro, Yufu)
A calm and floaty ambient track, simple but beautiful. Sparse on vocals as it is, it's probably not your choice if you want to hear some awesome vocals, but it's a nice listen if you're looking for something soothing and relaxing.


a.b (Fuuchan, Ruko+Yufu)
More calm and floaty stuff, this time with a dash of chiptune and more prevalent vocals. I don't normaly dig Ruko's voice, but I love how she sounds here - very smooth and high without being ear-piercingly screechy, and Yufu in the background complements her voice nicely.


A Casual Rainy Day With You (meme, Ruko)
I swear Nicovideo's conspiring to make me love Ruko, because here comes yet another skillful Ruko user that manages to make me like how she sounds in their song. A minimalistic but beautiful piano tune, the tuning is still somewhat choppy at some places but overall very solid and adds to the heartfelt mood of the song.

【雪歌ユフ】dance of the icicles【オリジナル曲】

dance of the icicles (lelangir, Yufu)
Usually I don't fancy overly breathy voices, but it works really well in this gentle, almost lullaby-like tune. Yufu's smooth and soft whisper voice blends well into the background music without being completely drowned by all the xylophones and drums, creating a really soothing melody.

utau: tsukishiro hakupo, utau: defoko, p: freesize, utau: sekka yufu, utau: yokune ruko, p: that's on, p: fuuchan, utau: fuuga koto, utau: yuuga yuragi, p: nakano4, utau: amane luna, utau: namine ritsu, p: kino, p: lelangir, p: ichikura, utau: kasane teto, utau: otodamaya nitarou, utau: komura gaeri, p: namahage, utau: rook, p: meme, p: geppei-taro, p: amido, utau: otodamaya ichihime, p: nel

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