Two years ago, a dark and mysterious pink-haired girl, our first bilingual vocaloid, joined the family. That's right, today was the day that 巡音ルカ was released. Happy Birthday, Luka!
Luka's birthday tag
To celebrate, SososoP has made a sexy Luka cover of the well-known Ghostbusters theme song! Possibly NSFW. Go listen and feel nostalgic~
【巡音ルカ】GHOSTBUSTERS【映画「ゴーストバスターズ」主題歌】GHOSTBUSTERS (SososoP, Luka, Cover)
The shout of "Ghostbusters!" includes Rin, Len, Miku, Kiyoteru, BIG-AL, Sososo himself, myself, and some other people. :D (Their website is acting up, so I can't check)
Anyway, shameless plugging aside,
My personal picks so far can be found under the cut in no particular order!
【巡音ルカオリジナル曲】可哀想・シンドローム【キセノンPハード歌謡】Pitiable Syndrome (KisenonP(XenonP), Luka, Hard Rock Ballad)
From the guy behind Marukunaru. Full of guitars and Luka tuning I can't complain about, give it a listen if you like rock.
【巡音ルカ with がくぽ】Walking my way【オリジナル】Walking my way (M@SATOSHI, Luka with Gakupo +Miimi (Miku, Gumi and Miki), Pop)
Luka's lalalas are nice. Her Engrish sounds a little odd at times, but it all comes together quite nicely towards the end, for an uplifting song which hopefully leaves you full of joy.
【巡音ルカ聖誕祭'11】48 beats【オリジナル曲】48 beats (mushicore, Luka, I don't know help)
I don't know how to describe this, but give it a listen, it's really interesting! It's a little strange, but it's really cool, do listen the at least a couple of minutes!
【巡音ルカでオレジナル】Rainbow ConnectionRainbow Connection (OreginalP, Luka, Engrish Jazz)
A joyful little track. Noteworthy for actually having a PV, which is done in a simple, cute style.
【巡音ルカ】 また、明日。 【オリジナル曲】See you tomorrow (HayakuP, Luka, Piano)
I'm not completely sold on the tuning, but I'm not really sure why. A soft, relaxing song, with nice builds at the choruses and a husky low Luka, to finish off the post.
KarenT also has a number of Luka songs released today especially to celebrate are all available on iTunes.
Many of the songs (7days, One Night Disco, Knife, Flightless Bird, 249.51, Corruption Garden, Rainbow Connection and all the songs on Forbidden Happiness) are on nicovideo already, in fact many have been for a while now, but feel free to check out what's there.
I'm afraid I have to recommend against AVTechNO!'s offering, it's very grungy and I actually found it hard to listen to, and I'm usually a very forgiving fan. But you might like it... Just know that the preview is only a small portion of the song.
I also purchased Silent Dloc, which is kind of a floaty trancey/technoey track in... Russian? By the same guy who did filozofio. I quite like this one.
Feel free to post your favourite songs from the tag, or even your favourite Luka songs in general, in the comments! I'd love to find some new ones.