Jan 17, 2011 14:27

We're running a trifle delayed - going home from holiday has presented new and interesting concepts like 'jetlag' and 'oh god oh why am I so ill jesus christ'. Post will be up later this week to get all caught up - in the meantime, it's audience participation time ( Read more... )

community spirit, !, too long; stelas sucks, announcement, meme

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In No Particular Order: 1-5 dosetsu January 17 2011, 19:03:00 UTC

初音ミク・巡音ルカ オリジナル曲 「ワールズエンド・ダンスホール」

(Miku & Luka - World's End Dancehall)

Yeah, this one was pretty inevitable, and probably my overall #1--the main Negitoro song of our times! It's been so consistently strong in the rankings that its detractors have grumbled about artificially-inflated scores, but if you ask me, there's a reason it's been up there so long; this thing just doesn't leave your head once it's gotten in. It's also pretty amazing lyrically.

【初音&鏡音】 Knife 【至高のミクスチャー】

(Miku & the Kagamines - Knife)

Much as I have a love-hate relationship with the story in this song (and the use of lensflare in the video), I can't deny, it's an amazing listen with some amazing character design to boot. Now if only it involved a little less tragic death 8(


(Miku Append - Erikubi)

Hnnnnngh Machige! Like my colleague from the islands said, he's a fave around here. Admittedly, I was more of a fan of his antics than his music for a while, but songs like this got me appreciating his work more too. It's as catchy as it is blatantly sexual! How can you go wrong!

【巡音ルカ GUMI】 ハッピーシンセサイザ 【オリジナル曲】

(Luka & Gumi - Happy Synthesizer)

GUILTY PLEASURE! One shared by a lot of Nico watchers, apparently, due to its surprising ascent to sentry status in the rankings. It's just so goddamn cute, and a rare combination for a duet to boot. Plus it's a shippy song and I am weak to those

【MEIKO生誕祭2010】Cry for the sky / Glint Of Sound

(Meiko - Cry For the Sky / Glint of Sound)

Soaring and glorious, this was far and away my favorite of the Meiko Birthday Festival songs. It falls firmly in the "can't help but rock out to" category, just grabbing you and dragging you along with it for a high-flying ride--the first half of its title was definitely well-chosen in that regard.


6-10, still in no kind of order dosetsu January 17 2011, 19:47:47 UTC


(Miku - Mukashimukashi no Kyou no Boku)

Yeah, gonna have to join Stel in voting for this one; it's just so sweet, full of the love that makes me really enjoy this fandom--love that shows not just in the song itself, but in its incredibly well-crafted video as well (which was fodder for my journal's mood theme hell yeah).


(Miku - Heart Sutra Techno [Terror Feeling])

YEAH YEAH WE ALL REMEMBER THIS MEME, DON'T EVEN PRETEND IT'S BEEN FORGOTTEN! This was definitely the best of that flood of offerings, taking a silly meme and making something with some teeth out of it. It sounds like it should be music for a particularly scary boss fight.


(Gumi - Yowamushi Montblanc)

2010 saw the rise of the GOLDEN AGE OF GUMI, and this song is perhaps the harbinger of that rise, a mighty hit that could only be surpassed by another song by its own maker. Dig that string line, man. That string line will put down roots in your brain.


(Luka - Absolute)

A bit more of a sleeper hit, but definitely worth mentioning; a beautiful, relaxing song with an amazing, almost hypnotic video.

Yuki vs. G - 昭和専★ガール【歌愛ユキオリジナル曲PV付】

(Yuki vs. G - Showasen ★ Girl)

And let's not forget that the AHS family had some awesome songs this year, guys. Kagome, the Legendary Yuki Master, can probably said to be leading the charge there, and this is one of my favorites of his. Kagome: Making You Love Disco and the 80s Again


oftendistracted January 17 2011, 20:00:51 UTC
Hahah, I had to barely stop myself spamming kagome down the list. I like how we're both just 'o machige and his puppies' too. :'D


dosetsu January 17 2011, 20:14:50 UTC
Machige's dog is the most adorable :'D


Misc. Personal/Obscure Picks dosetsu January 17 2011, 20:11:21 UTC

【初音ミク】Six steps【オリジナルPV付き】

(Miku [feat. Luka] - Six Steps)

Okay okay, so the art's a little weird. Okay okay, so Miku's delivery is a little choppy in some places. But this is the most-listened-to song on my iTunes at the moment, I can listen to it over and over without getting sick of it, I've got a mental music video for it--it's my SONG OF THE YEAR. Possibly decade. It's really good, groovy Vocaloid R&B okay guys go listen to it! I need to translate it . . .

【Lily】 +REVERSE 【オリジナル曲】

【Lily】 -ERROR 【オリジナル曲】

(Lily - +REVERSE and -ERROR)

Lilyyyyy! Poor Lily seems to've had a hard time finding a niche in the Vocafandom, but she's had some great tracks nonetheless, especially rock tracks--of which these paired songs are a shining example. +REVERSE is especially awesome, but together, they become greater than the sum of the parts.

【miki】  PICTURE  【オリジナル】

(Miki - Picture)

My pick from the Miki Festival that took place this fall. It might not be for everybody; it's sort of slow and floaty, but I really go for songs like this.

【初音ミクオリジナル】 night drive 【PVつき】

(Miku - Night Drive)

More slow and relaxy stuff; this one really is a perfect match of music and theme--it absolutely sounds like the kind of music you might listen to on a leisurely nighttime drive.

【MEGPOID】オリジナル「無限思索 -DeepSpaceMix-」

(Gumi - Mugen Shisaku -DeepSpaceMix-)

SHIT HOW DID I ALMOST FORGET THIS ONE! If I could pick one Vocaloid song to write out the story for, it'd almost certainly be this one--this was my favorite of an odd mini-fad of "Gumi wants to destroy the world" songs. The song is a little wanting in places but pretty overall, and the video is amazing, one of my favorite MMD vids of all time.


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