I--hope this is okay, but since posting access is open to everyone, I assume it is! And my desire to discuss and post about the BEST VOCALOID overcomes all inhibitions
That Vocaloid of course being LUKA!
【ニコニコ動画】【巡音ルカ】For a Dead Girl+【オリジナル】("For a Dead Girl," by Yuyoyuppe, who does my favorite Luka song ever, which I will link next! This one is hard-rocky and pretty badass too, and I love the illustration used for the video.)
【ニコニコ動画】【巡音ルカ】Palette【オリジナル】(PALETTE ♥ This is an epic poppy-rocky sorta angsty kinda deal, by Yuppe and meola. Also check out the post-apocalyptic concert of the
MikuMikuDance version. Watch for the random Luka/Miku moment at the end!)
【ニコニコ動画】【巡音ルカ】自爆【オリジナル曲】(Jibaku, "Self-Destruct." Kinda weird acid rock. I actually wish this one were a little longer, because the vocals are brief and don't come in until the end, lolol. Also for some reason this segues into a much cutesier Miku song with the same title.)
【ニコニコ動画】【巡音ルカ】 トエト 【オリジナル曲】(Toeto, which is a so moe song about a girl who always says the wrong thing at the wrong time. It is cute |D)
【ニコニコ動画】【巡音ルカ】恋は戦争 ~ ストーカーMIX ~【恋は洗脳】(S-Sob--so "Koi wa Sensou" is a Miku song you've probably all at least heard of. Well, this is Luka's "Koi wa Sensou" STALKER MIX, with terrifying lyrics and horror-movie-trailer-like music. It's . . . it's something, that's for sure)