Summer UTAU Event

Aug 10, 2010 13:30

'Sup guys, did everyone catch NicoSummerFest last weekend? I managed to catch a number of names I'm familiar with, including Wotamin, Agoaniki, & Gero... though I missed the one I looked forward to the most *sulks in a corner for sleeping through Max's live segment despite having set up no less than 3 alarms*

Anyways, if any of you follow UTAU closely, you may have noticed the "Natsu o UTAwaseru Matsuri 2010" tag. It's basically an event where people make summer-themed UTAU songs. If you go to the event homepage, you can also see a voting being held in three categories: "summer song", "chorus", and "entertainment" from left to right on the header. Since the current voting period is for the July entries, I'm just going to post a few of the July entries that I like first.


The song currently topping the "summer song" list, and deservingly so. An upbeat pop/rock song, Teto may not sound her smoothest in here, but she sounds loud and clear nonetheless, making this an energetic, enjoyable track.


An UTAU rendition of a Nicomedley, featuring a large number of UTAU voicebanks in iroha (old Japanese alphabet) alphabetic order. The tuning is far from perfect, but I had so much fun watching this and noting the UTAUs that I recognize that I don't really mind it.

【海歌シン】Seaside Singer【民族調?オリジナル】

Summer means the sea, and when you're talking about UTAU, sea means Shin 8) ...Anyways, this is an ethnic-tastic song with Kaiga Shin. The vocals are rather muddy at some parts, but Shin generally sounds pretty good and he hits the higher notes well. Stick until the end for a choral piece with Shin, Ritsu, and Hiroi Umi.


Like I'd leave out a good Eiichi songs when it comes up XD. An entry for both this event and Eiichi's birthday celebration, this cover features some really awesome vocals, complete with a pretty fancy PV. This one's also currently at the top of the "entertainment" category.

【耳ロボP/守屋亭狂授】 耳のあるロボット音頭 【UTAU三人娘/他】

A pretty cool festival-style remix of Mimi no Aru Robot with Teto, Momo, and Defoko. I really like how Teto sounds in this one, her voice with all the pitch bends really fits the style of this particular remix.


I'm a sucker for acapella, so I was really happy when I found this particular piece. The chorus sounds quite beautiful, but my main complaint is that I couldn't discern Ritsu's voice clearly from the chorus despite him supposedly being the main singer. It's still not a bad song though.

utau: momone momo, utau: defoko, utau: todoroki eiichi, utau: kasane teto, utau: hiroi umi, utau: kaiga shin, utau: namine ritsu

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