Where the heck did May go? Vanished in a halcyon cloud of memories, instead I have to contend with UK heatwaves and thunderstorms in equal measure. Worst of all, I can't think of a snappy intro paragraph to my post.
This was apparently the week of my being cranky about all the top tracks. Very disappointed in the ranking and a lot of the bigger tracks this week; what can I say, I'm old, cranky and judgmental. As well as all the new videos this week, included in the main lj cut are two (count 'em, two) World's End Dancehall PVs.
【MEIKO】 Flow@Time / shu-t【オリジナル】(Flow@Time (shu-t), Meiko, Club)
If this doesn't end up on the ranking next week I am wholly prepared to stab someone, or something. A fantastic track from Meiko and shu-t, I was immediately taken by this; Meiko sounds clear and crisp and gorgeous, while the track itself is a toe-tapper of the highest order with a strong beat and great hooks that drag you along. Even Meiko's highest sections, if slightly painful to the ears, weave well into the melody of the track.
【初音ミク】お断りします【 ( ゚ω゚ ) 】(No Thank You (sweettales), Miku, God Damn Earworm)
I dare you to listen to this kind of ridiculously adorable song. Scientifically formulated to stick in your mind as hard as it can, you'll be muttering it under your breath for days to come. For a track that's pretty much borne from Nicovideo memes as far as I can tell, it's incredibly catchy and sounds really good along with it, lots of hooks and little earworms and repetitive neat bits and how on earth can you not like the art they used?
【GUMI】 Just a game 【オリジナル曲】(Just A Game (takamatt), Gumi, J-Rap Latin Pop...?)
While not my favorite song this week, this can go at the top just for sheer originality. The first 40 seconds of this song are likely to throw you off dramatically, as Gumi sounds really bizarre and in desperate need of a cough drop - then the main song kicks in to a bizarre fusion of genres that sounds... well, pretty cool, actually. Definitely rather an unusual one, and it's pretty much worth a listen because of that alone.
初音ミクアペンド総出撃オリジナル組曲 「初音ミクの分裂→破壊」(The Division → Crash Of Hatsune Miku (cosMo), Miku + All Append Versions, Speed Rock)
CosMo, I think Disappearance is badass and all, and Rampage and Confusion are pretty cool too, but there comes a point where you have to stand back and go 'actually, I think this track might be a little too out of it's head'. You passed it the moment you even thought up this song, man. For those of you watching at home, this is cosMo's newest, using all the different Append versions and it's as manic as you'd expect. It got #1 this week and I really dislike it. It's got some good sections - I really like the bits with Sweet - but they're buried in too much weird for my taste, and some of the combinations are really out there. Pairing Dark and Soft with Solid?!
【オリジナル曲】不屈力!!【男性ボカロ】(Unbreakable Power!! (pantan), Len + Sensei + Gakupo + Kaito, Hiphop Pop, PV)
This song has problems, I'm the first to admit that. Mixing's a bit off, a couple of the voices involved are not the best ever... but how can you not look at that genre and that cast and not crack a smile? It's a terribly feel-good track for all it's lack of polish and such a hilariously glorious prospect I couldn't help but like it.
【初音ミク】 思慮するゾンビ 【オリジナル】(Thoughtful Zombie (VaLSe), Miku, Batshitinsane, PV)
A very, very weird track. Lots of organs and sliding scales and snatches of music and trumpet and the odd vocal spasm here and there. It all comes together into a strangely tuneful mix, but a distinctly strange experience that may leave the listener feeling rather unsatisfied. I'm sticking it high up the post for the sheer aural audacity of the track; I certainly don't expect it to be for everyone, though.
【鏡音リンオリジナル曲】しゅうまつがやってくる!【PV付】(The Weekend Is Here! (sasakure.uk), Rin, Chiptune Candy Pop, PV)
I have something of a love/hate relationship with this track. By rights, I should love it - but Rin's impression of a chipmunk and the slight muting of the track really puts me off just a little. There's some great moments in here, but the thing as a whole doesn't impress me too much - the synth organ solo is great, however, and I'm kind of charmed by some of the hooks and the PV as a whole.
【初音ミクAppend】スウィートレイニーロンリネス【オリジナル曲】(Sweet Rainy Loneliness (machigerita), Miku Append (Light?), New Wave)
Could this be machige crawling back up from the gutters of really, really terrifying songs? Probably not, with a title like that, but it's a damn sight more listenable than most of his recent tracks. Miku's a little warbly, but it's passable, and it's a good toe-tapper of an ambient track with synth everywhere and a catchy beat.
【鏡音レンオリジナル】君に捧ぐファンタジア【PolyphonicBranch】(Fantasia Dedicated To You (Polyphonic Branch), Len, Touhou Rock, PV)
Oh, Len, you're so badass. This very-slightly over the top track is straight out of any console RPG or action game you care to name, going through about every crescendo it can get it's hands on, an intro straight out of Touhou, and some pretty epic guitar. Out of the top 10 of the ranking this week it's probably my favorite, if only because I don't actively dislike it and it carried my attention better than Gumi's headliner.
【初音ミク】徒夢【PV付オリジナル←】(Just A Dream (←), Miku, Rock, PV)
This is another I'm happy to let stay in the ranking, though I wish it had been a bit higher on the final count. Moving smoothly between softish rock and some lovely hanging sections, and backed up by a lovely video, I'm far more inclined to like this compared to some of the tracks this update, despite some niggling flaws and some slightly wonky robot voice encoding.
【ゆちゃP.feat 鏡音リン】空想パレット【Junk mix】(Daydream Palette (yucha / junky), Rin, Pop, PV)
Junky's remix / arrange of a start-of-year Rin track that got far up the charts. I really rather like this - it's not very different from the
original but rounds out the sounds and takes away a lot of the tinny, high-pitched feel.
【初音ミク】 玉砕バニー 【オリジナル曲】(Brave Surrender Bunny (kura), Miku, Pop, PV)
Nicovideo loved this; I couldn't get into it at all, but if you like slow and just slightly ponderous romanticesque pop songs that drag on a little too long, here's your opportunity. It really just didn't click for me at all, from Miku's voice to the song's lack of real movement. Even so, it ranked tenth on the ranking, so something must be right about it...?
【初音ミクappend】 VIRTUAL LOVE (オリジナル)(VIRTUAL LOVE (kawauso), Miku Append (Sweet), Techno Pop)
I'm still not the most enthralled fan ever of the Append Sweet voice, and I'm sure I've heard better than this, but this is still acceptably good; a quiet and rather ambient track with some good piano and synth use. Not exactly a song to listen to if you particularly care about lyrics, the advantage of the Sweet software here is that it complements the gentle nature of the track, and is mostly just there to help the beat along.
【初音ミク】 Error 【ケロFUNK】(Error (taa), Miku, K-... Kerofunk? Frog Funk?)
Gosh, this track is funky. I can't for the life of me divine what the 'kero' in the tag means, but I was hooked on this track from the moment the brass instruments kicked in. For a rather angsty song premise, the music's very upbeat with scratchy guitar that's impossible to dislike and a whole slew of wah-wah - this might just be me, though, since I've always found it impossible to be sad at a good bit of funk music.
【GUMI&ミクオリジナル】 「全力失踪。」(All Strength Gone (pekoro), Gumi + Miku, Pop Funk)
I'm honestly surprised this didn't get more views, as I kind of like it. It's another track that decides to go the funk route, though it's a far more poppy and straight-laced affair than Error: though scrappy, it stands out at times as a really nice duet between Miku and Gumi, with some solid harmony during the chorus and an outro/solo section that really captures my ears.
【初音ミク】傷心ライダー【オリジナル】(Heartbreak Rider (nakyamurya), Miku, Jazz Pop, PV)
Watch as I incur Ankari's wrath. Don't let the song title fool you - barely any angst to be seen anywhere, this is instead a silky smooth track, full of gorgeous wailing guitar solos and some jazz styling and some fantastic backup singing and such a distinct summery feeling that you'll feel you should be on a beach somewhere, sipping something fruity with an umbrella in it.
【リンレンMEIKO】ヒステリック・ビーツ・アップ【オリジナル & MMD】(Hysteric Beat Boost (maigoddo), Meiko + Len + Rin, Hyperbeat, MMD PV)
Arguably maigoddo's 'hardest' track to date, this isn't even vaguely going to be for everyone, a very fast tempo rock/metal track with a lot of distortion on the robot singing. As is usual for maigoddo tracks, it's backed up by an MMD PV, this time spoofing a Persona boss battle with Haku and Neru vs. Rin.
【初音ミク】スターテッド【オリジナル曲】(Started (gomae), Miku, Pop Rock)
It's been a while since we've had Stelas' Gratuitous Cheesy Pick Of The Week. Here is a very standard, very unoriginal and very typical happy perky pop/rock song from Miku, but it's well executed and serves as some auditory fluff to wash out your ears after a update that is particularly more full of crazy than your average one. Nothing groundbreaking here but the piano's very good and the Miku's pitched well.
【PV】ワールズエンド・ダンスホール【恥P】(World's End Dancehall (PV) (wowaka), Miku + Luka, Wowaka Pop, PV)
The first of two: if you've been craving a World's End Dancehall PV, here's a hand-drawn one with an awful lot of style (and crazy faces) about it...
【2 画面ワイド -Project DIVA-】 ワールズエンド・ダンスホール(World's End Dancehall (Diva PV) (wowaka), Miku + Luka, Wowaka Pop, Diva PV)
... and here's one done in Project Diva, of all things. It's better done than you might imagine, with some inventive use of two screens.