Weekly Ranking #YouDidn'tSeeThatFirstOne

Mar 30, 2010 01:23

Since I totally screwed up my dates, there is in fact a post this week, but expect this to be a quick and dirty sketchy post of extreme sketchiness. There's no post from me next week, at least on Monday, but I'll try to throw one out for Wednesday or something to just collate the best ones.

As for this week, I didn't really like much of it, on relistening. I'll have to chalk that up to needing the holiday, I suppose, and maybe I'll be more up for it next week. On the other hand, a comeback from the twins and a whole slew of electronica-inspired or chiptune tracks make for a nice theme.

【初音ミク】 モノクロ∞ブルースカイ 【オリジナル・のぼる↑】

(Monochrome ∞ Blue Sky (noboru), Miku, Pop, PV)
Yeah, uh. If you know anything about this comm at all you probably know I'm a goddamn sucker for a good cheesy pop track and this is a very good cheesy pop track. Noboru is back from Chain Girl and Sayonara Goodbye for a track which is kind of life all his others but I can pretty much forgive it for that as it does make me bop around like a lunatic.


(Flow Line Prism (giga), Len + Rin, god I don't even)
I've no words to describe this - an absolutely astounding track from square one, this amazingly smooth track is a total tour de force for the twins, carrying a fantastic beat effortlessly and showing off like mad with the voice programming. Definitely a jawdropper.


You owe it to yourself to listen to this until at least the 40 second mark.

【ファミコン版】 サイハテ 【TVゲーム風PV】

(Saihate (Chiptune Mix) (Joymecha), Miku, Chiptune, PV)
Chiptunes are my secret weakness, if executed well and not super-scratchy, and melodic ones especially so. As such, this chiptune mix of the short-version of Saihate is absolutely gorgeous, and it doesn't hurt that it comes complete with a darling 8-bit video to match.


(Romantic Flight (fuei), Rin, Cheesy Pop, PV)
More twins! At least they're both alive. This is straight up, unabashed, traditional pop as we know and (mostly) love it - two verses, two choruses, one Quiet Bit. Nothing to complain at here; it's a refreshing change for the twins as of late and is accompanied with some great piano and a very good PV.


(Water Box (Polyphonic Branch), Miku, Pop)
Exactly what it says on the tin: that sure is Miku inna box of water. This pop/rocky track is really quite nice, evoking lots of lovely aquatic flavour with dancing piano scales and gentle pulse tones. Wouldn't be out of place in a Megaman game, if you ask me.


(Sleeping Room (naivu), Miku, Chiptune Pop)
More soft; this track's actually kind of similar to Water Box but faster, and rather than being shot through with piano scales it's instead stolen a page or three from *tear*'s book and instead is chockablock of scratchy staticy electronica tones. It's lovely when the sax-like line comes in, too.


(Electronic Genocide (押入れ), Len, Chiptune Rock)
I admit, I laughed pretty hard when I saw the title. In comparison to the poppy and soft chiptunes we've had so far, this is an out and out rock track accompanied by some very good guitar work. All in all it kind of makes me imagine Disappearance, only done by Len on a Spectrum 48k or something.

... shut up, I am not showing my age.

初音ミクのオリジナル曲 サクラチレ -Full ver.-

(Sakura Fall (deadball), Miku, Angst Pop/Rock)
I'm not sure quite why this is marked Full Version, as I don't think I've ever seen or heard it before, and Nico's tags seem to agree with me. Well, whatever; this is an acceptably good and just slightly dark rock track with some nice ghostly synth at the back and possibly the most arresting subtitle in recent Vocaloid history.

【鏡音レン】 central 【オリジナル】

(central (river), Len, Soft Floaty Pop)
This might be a bit too light and floaty and samey for some of you out in the audience; what is a very pretty and gentle track in short segments easily becomes wearying when sampled in longer chunks.

巡音ルカオリジナル L - COMPmix

(L - COMPmix (Project EATA), Luka, Techno Rock, PV)
Project EATA is a group of producers featuring some great big names; AVTechno does most of the lifting work on this engrish, hard and thumpy Luka track. It's a little weird; not the best Luka performance, and a bit too grungy for me to really get into, but it's still very solid work.

蕾桜 -ツボミザクラ- 初音ミクオリジナル曲

(Sakura Bud (yasuo), Miku, Pop)
The second sakura song this week. Nothing here is too groundbreaking - it's a nice, standard jpoppy bouncy track, but I've found myself listening to it repeatedly thanks to the awesome energy behind the instruments, a mad pianist that'd make wowaka proud and a drummer and guitarist who really need to calm down a bit, man, calm down.

初音ミク「幻想LIMITED DOLL」【オリジナル曲】

(Illusory LIMITED DOLL (SHUN), Miku, Goth Pop/Rock)
A ridiculously slick VL-SCRAMBLE video accompanies a gothy track that's a little all over the place, but rallies well to provide warbly guitar and to hit every angsttrack cliche in the book several times over.

【初音ミク】 はやぶさ 【オリジナル曲】

(Falcon (SHO), Miku, JAM PROJECT, P... V...?)
Dedicated to the Falcon series of rockets, I don't like the song part of this track much, but it deserved to be linked just for the absolutely, insanely manly guitar solos that run rampant in this track. Be prepared to grow a lot of chest hair in a small amount of time, together with a totally bitching handlebar mustache.

【初音ミク】NEXT DOOR【オリジナル】

(NEXT DOOR (0108 Soundship Fellows), Miku, Slayers OP)
This gains final update slot for much the same reason as Falcon just above - while it's not a song I would exactly recommend to anyone, per se - ssssssssort of - but it's worth listening to once if you've ever wondered exactly how a 90s anime OP would sound if done by Vocaloids.

And Finally...

【MMD】 たこルカサークルを使ってたこさんをたくさん踊らせたかった1

Here's a mob of Takoluki performing their, um, 'version' of some of Yumiko's choreography, recently faithfully translated into MMD. Or, you know, here's Cthulhu's version instead.

p: polyphonic, p: shun, p: naivu, p: giga, vocaloid: takoluka, p: noboru, linkdump, p: faye, vocaloid: megurine luka, vocaloid: kagamine len, m-moeeee, p: yasuo, p: deadball, vocaloid: kaito, m-moeeee...?!, vocaloid: hatsune miku, p: sho, p: river, moe ry'leh, p: avtechno, vocaloid: kagamine rin, vocaloid: petite miku, vocaloid: cthulhu

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