What the title says. I don't have enough of either category to justify two posts, so I'm just going to smoosh them together into one. :Dd
孤独の果て End of Solitude [vocaloid fandub RUS] EmnilyA WILD
rus_emnily HAS RE-APPEARED. You may remember her from her epic Russian acapella version of
Love Is War, and if you don't, you should go listen to that right now because you don't know what you're missing. This time she brings us another rocking cover, a Rin hit, fully translated into Russian and with gorgeous, powerful vocals. GO LISTEN AND BASK IN THE AWESOMENESS.
『YOUTHFUL DAYS' GRAFFITI』を歌ってみたよ♪【百華】Been listening to this non-stop for the entirety of the past week. It's just about the only good cover out there of this song, but it's not simply good. Momoka manages to fully immerse herself in the 80's mood of the song and gives it the final touch needed for the track to feel like it was recorded over a decade ago. There's a couple of tiny arrangements in the vocals and some added electric guitar here and there, not to mention the mix is impeccable. Really really awesome.
赤飯が Mrs.パンプキンの滑稽な夢 を歌いました。Best. Mrs. Pumpkin's. Cover. Ever. Hachi pimped this on twitter a week or so ago while talking about humans vs. Vocaloids and just... fdjgjkdgjk *__* Sekihan's amazing vocals here will transport you right back to Halloween, take my word.
「指結い。」を歌ってみた【ヲタみんver.】Minmin has been uploading a lot of stuff recently! Some good, some so-so and some absolutely gorgeous like this song here. Super silky-smooth singing coupled with a slow, fun ballad and the right amount of feeling = HAPPY EARS. Another one of those tracks where the human cover surpasses the original by a lot.
ローリンガールを英語で歌ってみたったver.みーちゃんARE YOU SICK OF THIS SONG YET? No? I thought so. I haven't found any truly impressive covers of this song yet, but Mii-chan's version deserves a mention because of the interesting use of voice filters and the sometimes-good, sometimes-hilarious Engrish. Akiakane also did an English cover of this, but I like his version a lot better.
【栗プリン】「WORLD'S END UMBRELLA」を歌ってみた。It was so hard to decide between this and her cover of Clock Lock Works, you have no idea. But I already have another Hachi song here, so I went for the most recent one. Anyway, I am a big big fan of Kuri Purin and how her singing is always spot-on for everything she covers. World's End Umbrella is, of course, not the exception. Her high notes here are beautiful and natural and the lower ones will get a knot in your throat.
And now for some Sensei!
氷山キヨテルオリジナル曲「Guilty Verse」(PV付き)SHAMELESSLY STEALING THIS FROM STELAS because I'm p. sure this is high up in the rankings right now. A hilarious goth-rock video with what would appear to be vampire Ice Mountain Teru. The fanart is pretty, the song makes little to no sense, musically speaking, but the really amazing thing about this video is what happens around 3:30. SKIP FORWARD IF YOU MUST, BUT DO NOT MISS SENSEI IN ALL HIS J-ROCKER GLORY.
【メルト替え歌】MEGANE【キヨテル】Melt parodies are always hilarious, and that's the main reason why this is here. You can get a pretty good idea of what the song is about even if you don't do moonspeak because the PV is equally hilarious and just... yeah. SPOILERS: Kaito is a jerk.
【氷山キヨテル】Lovers Again【withバナナイス】An EXILE cover! It's a nice song, nothing out of the ordinary, but I'm pimping it because it seems to be the only good VanaN'IceMountain cover out there. GET ON IT, P'S, JUST CHECK OUT HOW AWESOME THE VOCABOYBAND COULD BE.
【嫁の居ぬ間に歌ってもr】Baby Love【初音ミクオリジナル】WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN SHARED YET? Shake Sphere's latest piece of adorable moe pop. Highly reminiscent of OVER, but with some added rap at the end that... for some reason makes people think of this as VOCAR&B. I won't even ask. At any rate, Miku's tuning is really cute here and it's a catchy song that will surely start getting covers pretty soon.