IMPORTANT THINGS and weekly update

Jan 31, 2010 19:25

First, the announcement stuff! See, we're going to have a little experiment. It's been brought to our attention that quite a few people don't really know that much about the fandom, about which singing robot or which or what they're usually like or what makes a specific robot awesome or worth batshit squeeing over. For that matter, it's a tricky fandom to get into sometimes, with a definite lack of LJ comms or large-scale English sites to help people.

So, it's time to get a bit organized. We're going to be spending some time this week getting the profile sorted out and less like a big block of text and more like something pretty and accessible. Then, we'll be linking up a few posts onto it; already existing are the friending meme, an introductory course as to what vocaloid is all about and the two posts we already link in our profile regarding signing up for and ripping music from nicovideo. Then, we'll add two new posts; a glossary of common vocaloid and nicovideo terms, and deeper information on a robot-by-robot basis regarding the genres they tend to sing and the more common or archetypal characterisations given to them by comics and videos.

These posts will be heavily based on the community helping out, which means we're going to provide the base information and a solid starting point and then would deem it totally awesome if you lot also helped out with stuff like your own interpretations or links to signature songs or, really, whatever you'd like to add. In this way we can take over the world take over vocaloid be an incredibly helpful resource. Also, internet kudos.

If you've thoughts or suggestions, dunk them in the post or pop onto IRC and natter about it with us.

Onto the meat of the update, then. As you might expect, there's a lot of Luka this week what with it being her birthday on the 30th. She and Miku pretty much take up the entire post this week; the twins, and the others, barely even get a look-in. Actually, even Luka almost doesn't; pickup for her birthday was quite slow, many birthday tracks not getting into the top 100. We can only hope for some balance next week.

【初音ミク】PIANO*GIRL ~Full SIZE~

(PIANO*GIRL (OSTER project), Miku, Easy Pop)
Sorry, Luka. Even if it is your birthday week, you cannot stand against the almighty power of OSTER project when they're in full swing. Where full swing is 'not quite as insane as their last few videos'. I guess the meds are kicking in. Piano Girl, which you saw the short version of a few weeks ago, is a ridiculously cute song full of snatches of classical music and gorgeous piano, paired with a ridiculously cute video. AND I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD


(Boys Don't Cry (fatman), Luka, Soft Rock)
I continue my reign as fatman's biggest fan, with his latest being easily my favorite this week. While this track could be called very similar to his other Luka tracks it's really not like that's an insult. Luka's voice sounds gorgeous, the guitars are lovely, what's not to like?

【ハクミクリンレン】to RACE with YOU【オリジナル】

(to RACE with YOU (maigoddo), Miku + Haku + Len + Rin + Luka + Meiko, Rock, MMD)
Chalk another one up for the crazy blindfolded Vocaloid rockers! This lamentably short track is jam-packed full of gritty awesome sound and completely silly Engrish, while being accompanied by a super-classy MMD video that makes me grin like a lunatic.


(Good Girl Bad Girl (kous), Luka, Easy Pop)
In another shock occurrence, I like another of kous' songs, which makes two in a row and possibly a new record. This track is all sorts of trippy; soft electrobeeps and gentle piano and chiming bells and a lilting Luka voice and a wonderful ethereal feel to the whole piece while still remaining upbeat and enjoyable.

【巡音ルカ】 Child's Garden 【オリジナル曲PV付】

(Child's Garden (otetsu), Luka, Soft Rock)
An insanely pretty video makes this Luka track stand out above the rest, and you really have to see it to believe the sheer photoshoppery production values that went into it - though, if someone could please explain to me what the nightmare fuel at about 2:40 is, that would be much appreciated. What is it with hard-to-see creepy faces in videos recently?


(Shower (Ciel), Luka, Easy Listening / Vocal)
God, who needs append versions when you have this? This soft Luka track, comprising almost entirely of Luka and violin backing and little else, is absolutely fantastic - Luka's voice is perfectly tuned and nigh-on indistinguishable from human. Either that, or I've been listening to way too many robots - either way, it's still breathtaking.

初音ミクオリジナル ACID NEL

(Acid Nel (AVTechNo), Miku, Club Pop)
If you're one of those people who got trapped by ZOU+ last post, this is for you; AVTechNo's new production is more of the quality same while being rather more in-your-face and pulsing. Full of hangs and crazy synths, it's a high-speed ride and a lovely listen.

【KAITO】What's COLOR?【オリジナル】

(What's COLOR? (Shinjo), Kaito, Trance Pop)
First off: it's colour, god damn it. Anyway, I really liked this when I wasn't expecting to. I'm not sure what it is - Kaito's unusually smooth voice, or maybe the rapid-fire snare drumline, or the slow calm floating feeling to the track. Either way, it's surprisingly lovely and a good break from a Miku- and Luka-filled week.


(Braided Finger (nio), Luka, Easy Jazz)
This fantastically smooth feel-good track, full of soft piano and jazz wah-wah, set the week off perfectly for a Luka invasion. Calm and gentle, Luka's solos especially stand out.

【初音ミク】 スリープウォーク 【オリジナル】

(Sleep Walk (←), Miku, Vocaloud)
You know, I grin so much whenever I see the VOCALOUD tag that I'm just going to steal it for our comm. ← is well-known for awesome work, and this straight-up rock track is no exception, with great thrashing guitars and soft hangs.


(Shitty Video Game Commentary (onyuu), Miku, Pop)
An acceptably decent Miku track if you like chiptunes - which, despite appearances, is perfectly safe for work as long as you don't mind sprited toilets - becomes awesome when combined with a sprite-art video making reference to more RPG series than you can shake a stick at. See how many you can spot in this delightful video that would probably otherwise need the 'Miku's life is pain' tag.


(Couple's Rainbow (arata), Miku, Easy Pop)
A terribly uplifting pop song from a producer that really needs to do more work, this has a lovely bouncy jaunty beat and casual style, and I defy you not to have a smile on your face by the end.

【初音ミク】Revolution No.251【オリジナルPV付き】

(Revolution No. 251 (Polyphonic Branch), Miku, Pop)
More than the music, which is kind of your standard pop affair, what I really want to know is what's going on in the video. Assassin Miku learns about her inner dere and then someone dies and there's tragic angst or something? I don't know, but I sure wish I did.


(Hateful Wonderland (machigerita), Miku, Hammer Horror)
I'm not entirely certain what this is doing here and now, rather than say the height of Halloween. There's no doubt it's slick but it's also kind of atonal and weird and doesn't really fit the tone of the moment. Of course, since it's machige it's splendid work, just... not entirely my cup of tea.

p: onyuu, p: polyphonic, vocaloid: yowane haku, thrassssh metaaaaaaaaaal, vocaloid: meiko, p: ←, p: arata, p: oster project, linkdump, vocaloid: megurine luka, vocaloid: kagamine len, oster project's ascent from madness, p: ciel, vocaloid: kaito, p: nio, vocaloid: hatsune miku, p: fatman, p: avtechno, vocaloid: kagamine rin, p: kous, announcement, p: machigerita, p: otetsu

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