(no subject)

Dec 03, 2005 17:54

Apparantly, I like writing essays on these things. I don't expect anyone to read these, the ramblings of a disoriented girl, bored out of her mind, sick on the sofa, trying to make herself feel better.

People, throughout existence have wondered and studied why we act the way we do, why are we so different from animals? Humans have a very distinctive thought process. Mainly, we think too much. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have the pleasure in not thinking too much, and just be an animal with littereally no worries or cares. Instinct. Even as humans, it's interesting how much we relatre/act as animals, and not always in the worst way. For instance, I'm taking a Movement for Actors class, and we did an animal study where we tried to emulate an animal as best we could, and then we took that animal and made a character that was 80% you, and 20% animal. And the weirdest part, was that they worked. Granted a lot of the characters were comical, but on a basic level, they showed people in a different light. It was kind of refreshing. But when you think about it, many of the qualities we love the most come from instinct. People being brave in battle, fighting for their lives, those who can shut themselves off and stick to their insticts survive the most. For thousands of years, mand has seperated itself from the animals, constantly progressing both technically and in relfection, in studying what it means to be human. But, in many circumstances, it takes animal instincts and animal qualities to progess in life, to get anywhere, to survive. Darwin's survival of the fittest isn't thrown completely out of whack by human exsistence, although we are providing more and more ways for people to be dumb and lazy. But at the same time, it's the animal qualities in us that help us survive day to day.
It's the thought that holds us back.
We weigh our descions thousands of times over, which eventually keeps us from taking risks because we're afraid of what might happen if we do, afriad of getting hurt or that it won't work, or that things won't live up to what our daydreams percieve them to be.
I think, that while men and women are similar, the things that seperate them the most would be that women do this all the time. We weigh every situations all the time. Little things to. Even spontaneous descions that are made, we weigh them afterward. But of course, this would drive many pople to insanity if we really did this 24/7 about every little thing, we'd go insane, right? So, what do we do? We find outs. For many women, it's shopping, simply because that's the thing we can justify the most. "Well, these shoes $54, but I'll wear them a lot so they're totally worth getting them." We hem and haw over these descions as well, but it's more fun to do so in these cases. It's a skill, an art that we've perfected over thousands of years and the best part is, we use our fucked up way of thinking. This is also why we have an obsession with Hollywood and movies/TV. It's an escape. They give us hope that our lives can turn out to have some magic in it. This is especially why women like romances. No one in life could ever compare to the men in every day life, which is just this vicious cycle because we fanatasize about these wonderful, caring, attentive, sweet men who fight for us, take care of us, and that everything will work out, when in reality, there's nothing like that. Granted, there are sweet guys, but there's always a catch. You're not attracted to them, or they're not into you, and all the time you cling to this hope that either they'll come to their senses, or you'll find someone better. But all the time, you're not bent up on a person, but a dream. You fight everyone else off because they cant compare to the dream, and then you get dissapointed when there's no one else out there for you, when there really are, but you can't see it, or they're too good, not good enough, any excuse to make you safe.
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