We got our tree yesterday! We got to the farm really early, so there was still snow on the ground and we had fun crunching through it while looking. And then laughing as my dad cut it down.
Decorated it after we got home and went to dinner. It looks adorable and homey and ffff I love it. ♥
And, of course, a meme.
Who sleeps in bed next to you?
My stuffed teddy bear and Elmo plush. I've had them since I was born, and yes I still sleep with them every night.
What did you last eat?
Pasta! I'm having it right now, actually.
What kinds of books do you read?
Anything that looks interesting to me, really. I devour fiction books, although recently I've been reading a truckload of history. Classics are always golden with me, though; I love Jane Austen's things and Phantom of the Opera and Jules Verne/H.G. Wells omg. *_*
What are you reading right now?
A book on great Presidential moments and a biography on George Washington. Once I finish one of those I'm going to start one about the Berlin Airlift.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
Riding the Orient Express because goddamn modern transportation is making it shut down. I want to take a triiiiiiiiiip. ;A;
Tell me something interesting that happened today.
I found the Dawn Stone and evolved my Kirlia into Gallade in Pokemon Platinum. Hey, it's been a slow day.
Name one odd item within three feet of you.
There's a...green Tiki head mug on my dining table. Uhm. That should be in my sister's room, what's it doing there?
What's your current fandom obsession/addiction?
Hetalia, White Collar, and 1776. I can't help it, the songs are so catchy!
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
I was kind of hoping my parents would take me out to see Princess and the Frog, but my sister had to go to the mall and I'm honestly not feeling all that fab today.
What are you most excited for?
Princess and the Frog, obviously. Also, Christmas and finally covering the Civil War in history class. ♥
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Email, LJ, DragCave, Deviantart. When I'm in an iconing mood I troll Pixiv pretty frequently.
What was the last thing you bought?
With...my own money? Haha, I think it was a virtual snowglobe. /doesn't spend her money willingly
What do you want right now, off the top of your head?
For my VCR to magically fix itself or for me to suddenly know how to fix it. I want to watch Muppet Christmas Carol. D:
What's your biggest procrastination method?
Existing. Seriously. I mean, I'll lose my life to the internet just like everyone else, but I've had times where I'll just stare off into space and when I focus again it's been half an hour.
Are there any bits of childhood you miss?
People giving their seat up for me on the bus, going to theme parks, going upstate every summer.
Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
I hate choosing. But I think winter. I love snow too much, and it's so nice to take a walk in the chilly air and come in to thaw your nose.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you.