Nov 18, 2009 20:30
Couple days ago I had to call my cousin back because I missed her call. I had an embarrassingly large, (what I am assuming was) panic attack and needed to sit down and breathe deeply with some tea before being able to do anything. God, I've really got to get over this thing. Or at least do it in private.
Also. If I ever mention to any of you that I'm going to watch the Investigative Discovery Channel, please smack me over the head if the program is about a notorious killer. I'm good with the other ones, but some of those are just...eugh. /just came out from marathoning the Monster of Belgium and Arthur Shawcross
Once December rolls around I'm going to put up a post for you guys to leave me your addresses if you want Christmas cards from me. BE THERE. BE READY. I'M GOING TO SEND YOU INCREDIBLY STUPID JOY IN A SMALL PIECE OF PAPER.