(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 15:51

SO TODAY was a good day. sorda. but yahhhhhhhh anyways..

Homeroom_goody goody gum drops. chilled w/ molly nd masaye. The only people i can ACTUALLY talk to in homeroom..since like theres noooooooone in my hr. :(

English_had a test. I think i failed..im not expecting anything good cause my whole essay was soo random..just like me :-D! hehe

French_haha okay idk who came up w/ it but for April Fools, we were speaking Spanish insteda french.It only lasted like 10 minutes cause people are slow. but thats okie

Computers_i dont like mr. K. he's a loooooooser. Who has no friends. haha me and molly r. played music most of the period while doing our power point. it was fun :D

Lunch_ahhahaha me and elena were being mad annoying as usual. I think i beat her though...because...i own her? She thot then yaya loved her but nooooooo he loves me!! hehe and then we argued about oranges, tomatoes, patatoes, arghs, and idk other tardish stuff cause were losers. :)

Math_Mr. Y sounds like he's on crack. He lost his voice so he sounds terribleeeeeeeee! haha i talked to him about periods and fake her and girly stuff. cause...i felt like it..he said he's happy that he didnt have any girls.

Gym_O SHYT i had a humongo work out. Im in circuit training..its mad fun. Well it's not fun, but i got 2 like..work out so it was sorda fun..and i really worked hard..so i felt like i got a good workout :D

Social Studies_blah. Get to cook food from Spain tho 0_o

Science_Sub. movie...ate candy with masaye and ashley.

EMMA GOT HER FIRST KISS FROM PEDRO! awww i heart her. their soo cute. :)

Soo..now i have 2 get ready for elena's so i'll bb..peace<3
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