Feb 13, 2005 13:01
I HAVENT UPDATED THIS IN A LONG TIME! okay..lemme start wit yesturday...um i'll try 2 make this short cause i kno y'all don wanna sit here nd read a whole essay thing so yea.I went 2 elena's house on Friday and slept over! It was FUNN! Nina slept over too. Okay so friday we chill..we make pizza's mmhmm they were good but burnt. I love food :-) the only food i dont like..well is chocolate..but is that food or candy? ANYWAYS..we watched movies and DANCED LIKED WE'VE NEVER DANCED BEFORE! :-D haha well...actually it was sorda just me dancing..and elena..but elena was makin her valentines cards and nina was on the comp..but yeah lemme get back to what i was sayin...oh yeah..WE DANCED AND DANCED! then like later in the night we went 2 watch Shrek 2 downstairs in her basement..and wow...it was an interesting night...there was farting involved. hahaahahha ooh doesn't farting just turn you on?! I bet that bed is like infected now or something..lol..okay in the morning i had a bagel. yayy then lalala buncho stuff happened i just cant think of it right now..then nina had 2 go home around 11:00 but we met up wit her later downtown. Okay..so im still at elena's house then later Laurel comes over and we go downtown..INBETWEEN ALL OF THAT me and elena have A GAJILLION catfights! Its like WW3 up in this house. We are like litterally ripping eachothers hairs out or w.e! and wow...i cant even remeber how those cat fights started! lol Okay so elena's dad drops us off downtown..(Me,Elena nd Laurel) nd we walk 2 Sarah's house! Me nd Elena nd Sarah sorda made up our own little song but im not gonna show you until its actually finished! lalala we go shopping...lalala...OH YEAH we meet up wit nina before we meet up wit sarah...! Im really slow today.anyways....so later nina nd sarah oh by the way its Sarah E. they go 2 the campus center 2 get something there..then later we find Natalia! and we see her and then we find Casey! and we go around with them...this is getting long so imma try 2 hurry up..so we go shoppin more..lalala then We go 2 a Store called Like Kathy Cross OR SOMETHING i think i really screwed up the name! and its a really rich preppy store..and like when we walk in..they start GRILLING us like we about 2 pull a gun out and start shootin everyone..so after we leave that store..i tell elena that the store should b called TANISHA Cross or something! why it gotta be Kathy..Carol w/e the name was..for all i know it was Chubaka. wow that sounded queer..okay so ne ways..i go back 2 elenas house nd its like 5:00 now and my dad picks me up. END OF STORY
*comment or i'll hate you :-)*
*2 morrows V-day :-) :-*