I was interviewed by
jiffylube9542 1 - What is your dream DJ gig? To be a pit reporter for NASCAR either XM 144 or MRN
2 - Where is your favorite place to go hiking?That would be Muir Beach in California its up by San FranciscoWhy? it was the first time I got to spend time with my cousin and his wife on that trip and the view was absolutely breath taking.. if you looked to your left you saw ginormous trees that went on for miles and miles.. then if you looked to the right you saw the Pacific Ocean.. it was so blue and went on forever like the sky turned into the water..
3 - If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live? As corny as this sounds I would want to buy my child hood home in Wisconsin and live there... there are nothing but happy memories there and the town is like out of a Norman Rockwell Picture and all of my mom's side of the family lives there...
4 - If you could spend the day with Junior, where would you go and what would you do? This one took some thought... I think I would like to spend a day just chilling with him... go to the Lake to fish and just talk then I think we would catch a movie maybe some dinner and then I would challenge him to a go kart race and spin out after just 2 laps because I am a nerd like that...
5 - What is your greatest fear? I am incredibly clausterphobic I can't even go into the closet with out having major freak out issues....
its your turn comment if you want to be interviewed and then post it to YOUR journal then ask questions of those that comment in YOUR journal